Showing posts with label Vet Gresham OR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vet Gresham OR. Show all posts

Thursday 24 December 2020

Ticks Can Carry Illnesses


Not all ticks are capable of transmitting diseases to other animals but some that are well-known to infect dogs are carriers of a disease that can, unfortunately, be transmitted to humans. And this is one of the major reasons why tick infestation should be addressed immediately. 

The most common symptoms of diseases caused by ticks are fever, swelling of the joints, anemia, and lameness. But some species of ticks can cause you to suffer from paralysis albeit temporarily. Proper treatment will help you alleviate these symptoms. 

If you are staying in a place where ticks proliferate, you should make it a habit to check your dogs for any signs of tick infestation. It is also best if you can learn how to remove the ticks carefully from your dogs but much better if you consult your vet Gresham OR to devise a plan to eradicate ticks from your dogs.

Wednesday 12 February 2020

NSAIDs for Dogs

Vet Gresham, OR

Did you know that NSAIDs stands for Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs? The drugs can be prescribed to people and animals for various reasons. For instance, if your dog has been prescribed an NSAID then it is due to some inflammation or pain that your dog is having. Make sure you talk to your vet to find out the exact reason for the prescription and what kind of outcome or result you should see after the treatment is given. NSAIDs can help reduce swelling, stiffness and joint pain that is associated with arthritis and recent surgery. It’s important that you only give your NSAIDs prescribed for your dog to your dog. Do not give your dog people NSAIDs as these are not the same. When giving your dog the medication make sure to watch for side effects like changes in behavior, skin issues, vomiting, etc. You can learn more here or call your vet Gresham, OR for more details.