Friday, 6 May 2022

Going Green With Your Pet: Flea And Tick Treatment


Experts claim that climate change is not getting any better. But, it will not kill you to try and contribute to improving the environment, right? It always pays to protect mother earth for all living creatures.

Start this undertaking right in your own home by choosing to go green. Do this not only for you and your family but also for your pet. How can you do that? What can you do?

One thing is by addressing the problem of your pet against the infestation of environmental pests, such as ticks and fleas. These pests are blood-sucking parasites that feed on your furry buddy. Know that several ways have been developed to get rid of these pests.

Feed your dog a meal design that contains garlic. Garlic is known to deter some insects. But, garlic may be harmful to some cats and dogs.

Use herbal sprays and natural shampoos.

Ticks and fleas carry bacteria or germs that may cause your pet various diseases, including Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Lyme Disease, and Bartonella.

It is best to ask your professional veterinarian Sarasota, FL for an effective and safe EPA or FDA-approved product against ticks and fleas.

What NOT To Do If You Have A New Kitten


Raising a new kitten is not a simple walk in the park. You need to learn the basics about this family of species. You need to understand the needs of felines from feeding to housing, their behaviors, and their temperament. 
For you to do this, you must have patience and consideration as a fur parent. You must let your new feline buddy feel that she is welcome in your home and that you will keep her safe and happy.

One thing you can do is to show her positive reinforcement when your cat behaves well or does something remarkable. Experts suggest that you can also give a negative punishment but only when your cat shows unacceptable behavior deliberately.

But, here is one thing you have to avoid:  Yelling at, threatening, or physically punishing your kitten.

Doing this to your kitten may only worsen the situation because she may counteract negatively and behave badly. Instead of punishing your kitten, teach her what must be done. And only use the concept of positive punishment.

Your new pet will benefit from regular health and wellness checks at your animal medical center Sarasota, FL. Click here to know more about their services. 

Thursday, 5 May 2022

Protecting Your Pet From Skin Cancer


Cats who love the sun have the risk of having solar dermatitis, which may develop into skin cancer, specifically malignant tumors or squamous cell carcinomas. Skin cancer is most prevalent in white-furred cats that spend a lot of time outdoors. Solar dermatitis is typically seen on thin skin areas like the ears, face, or nose.

Many types of skin cancer occur in dogs, but among the most prevalent are malignant melanoma, squamous carcinoma, and hemangioma. The American Kennel Club says that sunburn worsens autoimmune skin diseases and allergies.

You may use human sunscreens safely on pets. But choose carefully, as they may lick the sunscreen. Here are the things to look for in a sunscreen for your pet:

●Can protect against a wide range of spectrums from UVA to UVB

●Non-toxic and no PABA, zinc, and salicylates (aspirin-related chemicals)




●Easy to apply

You can also ask your nearest veterinarian Carmel Valley for a safe yet effective sunscreen product for your pet. 

Memory Foam Beds For Pets


You might be wondering why memory foam is called such.  This is due to the material remembering the original shape it had and it returns to that shape after your dog moves or gets up.  This reaction is important to that material.  The ability to spring back to its original form lets it support your pet continuously even if he moves around. 

As your pet lays down on the foam, the material reshapes itself around your dog’s body.  But when your dog shifts around, that same material returns to its previous shape, providing support.  Thus, you will not have to fluff the bedding as it does it for you by itself.  If your pet moves around on a regular blanket, for instance, any support he had would be gone. 

Here is another example: if you place a heavy bowling ball onto a bed made of memory foam, it then sinks, but does not roll over to one side.  The foam bends to the weight of the ball and supports it on every side.  As you pick up the bowling ball, the foam would spring back to its normal shape.  If you tried rolling that ball along the mattress surface and it stops on another area, it would just stay still because the foam would still support it on every side.

Your professional veterinarian San Diego, CA is a valuable resource when it comes to your pet’s health and needs.

Cold Weather Pet Care


When winter arrives, expect that your dog may experience a few issues with his skin and coat. In particular, the skin of your pup can become itchier, drier, or flakier because of the cold yet dry weather. The paws of your dog can also be affected as they become chapped.

Can you address these issues? Yes, you can by following the below tips:

Give your dog fewer baths than the routine. The goal of doing this is to retain the essential oils of the skin and prevent it from becoming excessively dry.

Keep the humidifiers inside your home going to support skin moisturization.

Use a special shampoo on your dog to keep his coat moisturized and to avoid itchy skin.

Do not completely shave the coat of your dog during the cold season. Doing this will give your dog natural protection against extreme cold weather.

Trim the fur between the paw pads of your dog to avoid the formation of ice balls.

If your pet is showing signs of hypothermia, contact a veterinary hospital San Diego, CA immediately so you can be instructed on what to do. 

What Should I Do If My Dog Or Cat Eats Acetaminophen?


Accidents may happen no matter how supervised or hands-on you are to your pets. Some things happen unexpectedly and may even go out of hand. 

But, understand that you may employ some strategies to help you address these inevitable accidents, such as when your cat or dog eats acetaminophen.

  • The first thing you can do when the exposure just happened is to call your veterinarian or the Pet Poison Helpline, an animal poison control center (800-213-6680). Do this right away when your pet is not showing indications of exposure yet.
  • If your pet is already showing indications of anxiety or distress, rush your pet to the nearest animal hospital San Diego, CA. Bring with you the pills and the bottle. You must also know the details regarding the incident, including

Type of medication

Amount ingested

Time ingested


Wednesday, 4 May 2022

Planning Your Guinea Pig’s Daily Routine


Cavies are nocturnal, so they're generally active during the night. Consider this fact in planning your daily routine. If you're not a night owl, give your Guinea pig special attention during early mornings when he's still active. Make this your bonding, grooming, and playtime. It's best to give your cavy's breakfast during early mornings. Include lots of hays, especially if you're going to be away for the day. After eating, your cavy will likely nap, so keep the house quiet.

Guinea pigs sleep all day, waking up only for some snacks. He'll be ready to play in the evening, so it's also the perfect time to feed him again. Take him out of his cage to exercise and interact with you. It's okay if you can't make a cavy-perfect schedule at first. It'll surely take time before you get used to it.

Take a proactive approach to your pet’s health with regular health and wellness checks at your animal hospital Chesapeake, VA