Wednesday, 11 May 2022

Tip To Increase Your Cat’s Water Intake: Add Water To Kibble

Is your cat on a kibble-only diet? There is nothing wrong with this as long as your beloved feline is drinking water regularly or as needed. But, a problem may arise if your cat refuses to drink when necessary. If you cannot transition your cat from having kibble to wet cat foods, do not worry.

For a start, you can add small quantities of water to the kibble of your cat. If you see that your cat is enjoying the food, you may eventually add more amounts of water to increase her water consumption. 

Here are more ways in improving the water intake of your furry feline:
Use a dripping faucet or a cat drinking fountain instead of the traditional water bowl
Place the water bowl in the parts of your home your cat frequently visits
Add a few amounts of chicken broth or tuna water to your cat’s drinking water for enticing purposes

A sudden change in your pet’s drinking and/or urinating habits should be brought to the attention of your professional veterinary clinic Bend OR.

Is Your Degus Exhibiting Peculiar Behaviors?


Many pet owners tend to panic when they see one of their degus "nibbling" on other degus' nails, on top of chasing them. But these are normal behaviors among degus that live together and are cared for by the same pet owner. Play-fights are ordinary among groups of domesticated degus.

That said, understand that it is still a degu's way of asserting its dominance over the group. And that there are occasions when the one doing the nipping and the chasing can go overboard. Maintain a close watch on your pets and prepare a second enclosure should you need to separate them.

If your dominant degu ends up injuring one of the others following an intense fight, break it up and take the submissive degu for a quick inspection. Get your first aid kit and try to stop the bleeding, if any. But don't wait too long to drive to your vet's office. The sooner you get there, the sooner a professional can attend to your pet.

If you have any questions or concerns about your pet’s behavior,  don’t hesitate to contact your animal hospital Fayetteville, NC.

Talking To Cats


Is your feline friend a furry little chatterbox? Or does your pet only meow when she wants to let you know she pushed her toy under the couch or is ready for her fourth breakfast? Just like people, cats all have their own unique voices and vocal patterns. Some kitties are very talkative and opinionated, and others just don't have much to say. 

Breed can play a role here. Siamese cats, for instance, are very talkative. They actually have a unique meow, that often sounds like a human baby. Maine Coons are also quite chattery, and often sound a bit chirpy. 

You may find it fun to talk to your cat. Even if she doesn't meow much, she'll likely respond in other ways, such as flicking her tail or twitching her ears. If nothing else, this is a good way to bond with your feline pal, and make her feel loved. 

It's worth pointing out that changes in kitty vocalizations can be a sign of sickness. Contact your veterinarian Champaign, IL if you notice anything odd about your cat's meows. Visit the website.

Adventures With Fido


Summer is on the way, and many of us are looking forward to those warm, sunny days. Summer tends to be a very busy time of year for many people, especially those who enjoy activities such as swimming, camping, and hiking. Of course, our canine pals often love to accompany their humans on these sorts of adventures. 

One thing that you may want to do—if you haven't already—is make a doggy bag to keep in your car. This should include a pet first-aid kit, as well as useful/emergency items such as food, treats, towels, dishes, a spare tie out line, water, and waste baggies. Add some key paperwork, such as your pet's medical records, your vet's contact information, and a pet first-aid book or brochure, and you're ready for anything! We also recommend keeping at least a gallon or two of water in the car. 

Don't take your dog on summer adventures without making sure that he is current on parasite control and vaccinations. Contact your vet clinic Champaign, IL to make an appointment.

What To Do If Sunscreen Gets In Your Eyes


Sunscreen products are needed by both adults and children for skin protection against sunlight’s damaging UV rays.  However, products like these do cause quite a number of burning sensations in the eyes.

Even though permanent damage will not result from getting some sunscreen in the eyes, this could still cause significant eye inflammation and burning.

If you use contact lenses, you will want to first remove them if ever sunscreen gets into your eyes.  Then, use artificial tears or lubricating eye drops to flush out your eyes.

Try not to rinse your eyes using bottled or tap water.  These could still have microorganisms that could cause critical infections of the eyes like Acanthamoeba keratitis.  Therefore, it might be best to always have a bottle of artificial tears or sterile eyewash solution whenever you go to the beach, whether you use contacts or not.

Applying a cold wet compress over your closed eyes could also help in easing the burning sensation of sunscreen getting in your eyes.

You could also make the burning sensation ease up quicker by often (around every twenty minutes) applying a lubricating eye drop product that is preservative-free until your eyes feel better.

In addition, if you use contacts, think about changing into everyday disposable contact lenses so that you could replace the lenses right away with a fresh pair should the ones you have on become contaminated with your sunscreen.

Any sign of an eye problem should warrant a visit to your eye clinic Washington, DC for proper medical attention.

Tuesday, 10 May 2022

When Is The Ideal Time To Neuter Or Spay Your Dog?


The recommendation is to have your pet dog neutered or spayed around 5 to 6 months old.  But there are some breeds where waiting a bit longer might be ideal so that the odds of a pet developing certain cancers are minimized and the full growth of their musculoskeletal system is optimized before any changes are done to their sex hormones.  Veterinarians will check the information and talk to you about which dog breeds might need alternative plan considerations.

The AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association) supports neutering and spaying early.  Having this procedure delayed past a pet’s sexual maturity could increase mammary tumor incidences in female dogs and testicular cancers in male dogs.  Unintended pregnancies could also increase and intact pets might try to escape when trying to locate a mate, resulting in physical injury.

Generally, puppies are able to recover faster when compared to adult dogs.  And so, surgery is easier for young dogs and it also minimizes disease occurrences later on.  Dogs and puppies of all types are universally loved, however, too many of them end up housed in shelters and eventually get euthanized due to pet population control failure.

If you have any questions and/or concerns about the spaying and neutering of dogs, don’t hesitate to talk to your veterinarian Murrieta, CA about them. Set an appointment here:

Tips On Dealing With Loose Litter


Have you been experiencing problems with loose litter? You might have experienced this though you are not fully aware because of your busy schedule. But, understand that this is a common issue encountered by most fur parents.


Do not let this problem get out of hand. Here are some things you can do to deal with it:

      You may place a carpet under the litterbox of your cat. This item will help shake off or remove the litter in that area, and prevent further spread throughout your home. You simply need to vacuum or sweep the carpet regularly.

      You may choose to use a litter mat available in the market. This mat comes with a deep pile that lets the litter remnants shake off through the cracks. Most litter mats are made of plastic.


Do not let loose litter get out of hand and become a major problem at your home. Address it immediately to maintain a clean living environment for you and your cat.


Persistent litter box issues should warrant an appointment with your veterinary hospital Murrieta, CA to make sure that your pet’s behavior is not caused by an underlying health issue.