Monday, 16 May 2022

Using High-Value Dog Treats For Training


Are you intrigued about the impacts of high-value treats on dogs? Understand that dog treats are available in different types. Some treats that easily break or crumble are considered “regular.” While there are high-value treats that are moist and greasy.

Now, these high-value treats are more special than the basic ones. You should know the perfect moments when to give your pup these biscuits. Here are some of them:

  • When training a pup who is a bit picky or does not enjoy treats
  • When teaching or managing a new puppy that hardly focuses on the task at hand
  • When you are motivating or encouraging a shy or nervous pup
  • When you are training a dog in a “chaotic” environment or with several distractions in the surrounding
  • When you try to apply the methods of counterconditioning and desensitization ib training your pup 

These situations are considered more serious or “taxing” for your canine. So, use high-value treats to get your desired outcome. Meanwhile, you can give your pup regular snacks when rewarding him for showing good behavior.

Your vet Pickerington, OH is a valuable resource when it comes to issues that affect your pet’s health and behavior.

Horse Ride Safety Tips During Bee And Wasp Season


Stinging insects are in their prime condition and most active when summer is about to end. This is the time when their food source and supply become slim. Thus, you may want to double your protection against these insects and put your guard up a little bit higher.
Yellowjacket is another type of insect you must watch out for. They also nest on the ground in the burrows of some rodents apart from building hives in trees.
Here are some safety measures while riding during this time of the year:
Ride along well-established trails. Doing this will help you avoid encounters with any hidden nests.
Prepare a plan when you chance upon stinging insects.
Your horse may run away and buck you off when stung. Be ready.
Ride with others and carry with you a handy phone for emergency communication.
Have a first-aid kit ready. Fill it with supplies that can aid you and your horses when stung, like Benadryl and Epi-Pen.
Your veterinarian Pickerington, OH can enlighten you about important health issues that can affect horses.

How To Introduce Puzzle Feeders To Your Cat


Puzzle feeders are a great way to keep your cat stimulated mentally and physically. Consider this device when you keep your cat indoors most of the time. Your cat needs several activities that can help her exercise her body and mind.

If you have started using a puzzle feeder, continue doing it. Observe if your cat is enjoying the use of such a device. When your feline has shown proficiency in using it with no indications of frustration, anxiety, or stress, try increasing the level of difficulty of the device. How? You may start using puzzle feeders with smaller or fewer holes, with opaque shapes, or with harder manipulation techniques.

Experts recommend trying several types or designs of puzzle feeders so your cat will remain excited and eager to try new strategies. Your cat may also have a preference, so be observant of her behavior. Remember that using this mealtime technique can ensure your cat’s happier and healthier life.

Your veterinarian Anderson, IN is a valuable source of information about your pet's diet and nutritional needs.

Sunday, 15 May 2022

Pet Reptiles Must Be Handled Carefully

One important thing you should know regarding the handling of pet amphibians or reptiles is that they do not particularly like it if they are handled.

Yes, some individuals might gradually become accustomed to being held and picked up, but most will just not.  Either way, always exercise care even if your purpose in picking up your pet is just to examine it.

Having a poor vision is among the main reasons why pets like these are quite skittish.  Amphibians and reptiles spend a lot of time just staying in the darkness, inside a burrow, or beneath the undergrowth as they locate their next meal.

Additionally, all except for one genus of snakes are unable to change their eye lens shape to focus.  What they do is they move their eye lens forwards and backward, much like how your camera works, which is not as efficient.  This focusing method prevents them from focusing easily on objects that are stationary, thus they are quite sensitive to any movement.

Any sign of illness exhibited by your pet should require a visit to your veterinary hospital Middletown, DE for proper medical attention.

Saturday, 14 May 2022

Hairless Cat Care

Do you remember that episode of Friends when Rachel adopted a hairless cat? For many people, this may have been the first time they realized that not all of our feline friends are wearing fur. It was a bit of bad PR, though, as the kitty Rachel adopted turned out to be pretty mean. With most bald kitties, the opposite is true. Hairless cats tend to be extremely lovable and cuddly, and get super attached to their humans. In fact, they are so sociable that they often get depressed if left alone. 

For the most part, these guys are just like any other cat. They need good food, fresh water, and clean litterboxes, as well as proper veterinary care and, of course, great TLC. They do tend to get chilly, so they need warm beds and sweaters when it's cold out. They also make wonderful pets! 

Be sure to contact your pet clinic Bellevue, WA for more tips on caring for a hairless cat. Click here to know more.

Friday, 13 May 2022

Is There A Breed Of Domestic Cat That Doesn’t Hunt?


Do you know that cats love to hunt? Oh, yes these animals do because they are considered predators. Cats have this instinctive behavior to go after other smaller animals or hunt things or living beings that they can smell.

So, do not get surprised when once in a while, you see your beloved feline looking for something or going after a rat inside your home. Experts explain that hunting is a normal behavior cats do, and this has something to do with their being a meat-eater.

If you have an indoor cat, provide her with outlets for her hunting behavior. You may give her toys or a play area where she can look for her favorite things. When your cat becomes older, this behavior slowly diminishes because she tends to become less physically active.

It pays to know how and why your cat behaves in certain ways so you can adjust your home or your lifestyle accordingly.

A sudden change in your pet’s behavior should warrant a visit to your animal hospital Anderson, IN. Visit their website to know more about their services.

Can I Keep A Cat On Vegetarian Diet?


Have you always been on a vegetarian diet? If this is the case, you may also want to get a pet with whom you can share such a meal option. Now, be informed that cats should not be included in your option. This species cannot thrive and sustain itself by feeding only on green, leafy vegetables. 

Understand that felines are obligate carnivores. What does this mean? This case implies that cats need to consume meat to be healthy and support their bodily functions throughout their lifetime. Do not even think about trying to introduce your cat to a vegetarian diet because it can harm her and put her at great risk.

Cats are not born to consume only veggies. Thus, the bodies of these animals are used to and need the nutrients present in meat for them to survive. But, if you will still push through with having a vegetarian pet, go get a rabbit instead of a cat.

Know more about your pet’s nutritional needs during your pet’s health and wellness visits to your animal clinic Anderson, IN.