The Great Pyrenees need to be trained, starting from puppyhood. However, gentle and positive reinforcement is still necessary despite the breed's size. They have impeccable manners and can be very intuitive, not to mention they have a sharp memory— they won't forget anything, so approach training with gentleness and kindness. Negative training only leads to shyness, timidity, and fearfulness, which you won't really like with dogs of this size.
Crate training can help prevent any
accidents and other undesirable situations at home. Be sure to provide a large
crate, though. Crates, aside from being a nice napping space, are also an
effective tool to make future hospitalization and boarding easier.
However, letting your dog spend his day in the crate isn't good. Pyrs aren't supposed to spend long hours in their kennel for too long unless it's their bedtime. This breed is a people dog, and they won't thrive by spending their lives inside a crate.
A sudden change in your pet’s
behavior should warrant a call to your pet clinic Brampton, ON. Click here
to set an appointment.