Your cat may look cute and charming with those chubby, round cheeks, but it does not necessarily mean that she is healthy even when she looks good. Obesity is one of the most common health conditions that affect cats, which also causes serious medical conditions.
It is also important to note that cats who are obese are less likely to live longer than those whose weight is within the normal range. Because of this, you must be able to help and support your cat in achieving her ideal weight. If there is one thing that greatly affects your cat's weight, that is the food she eats daily.
To help your cat reduce some extra pounds, you must avoid giving her treats or snacks that are rich in sugar and carbohydrates. As your cat gets bigger, she may have challenges burning some of those extra calories that she intakes. Keep her on a high-protein diet as protein is easier to process compared to starchy food.
Work with vets Burlington, ON
in creating a weight loss program for your pet.