Chocolate has theobromine and caffeine — both ingredients that are toxic to cats. Dark chocolate usually contains more of the two toxins, but the amount of caffeine and theobromine in chocolate can vary depending on the kind that you have. Theobromine levels are mostly what veterinarians look at to gauge how dangerous the chocolate could be for pets.
If your cat accidentally got herself
a small bite of chocolate, then there might not be any significant negative
consequences, but this is not a sign that your cat should be allowed to eat it
regularly. Your cat will get sick or, in the worst-case scenario, die from
consuming too much chocolate.
Don’t feed your cat chocolate. Cats
aren’t a fan of the sweet flavor anyway, and chocolate gives no nutritional
value that your pet can't get from their regular meals. You can keep the
chocolate for yourself and away from your cat’s reach.
Your local veterinarian London, ON
is a valuable source of information about your pet's diet and nutritional