Friday, 17 March 2023

Cat Food

To be successful with buying or getting a new pet cat. It won't be a piece of cake, and you, as a cat owner, must be ready to commit to all the responsibilities and duties. Starting with the first thing a cat needs is food.

Cats can be picky with food, especially new cats. They won't adjust just yet to the environment. For starters, prepare cat foods that are easier to serve. Don't go hard with foods that are harder to eat or do not follow a meal plan for the time being; let them adjust and bond with you first. 

Many cat owners have started to offer their pets kibble in different types or flavors. This could also work with wet cat food in cans or packets. 

It’s best to ask your veterinarian Bellevue WA, about the best food for your pet.

Why Is My Dog Being A Loner ?


Dogs are naturally social, playful companions that seem to have boundless energy, especially when they're young. So when your dog prefers to be alone, it's hard not to suspect that something's wrong.

While there are many reasons why a dog might prefer solitude over human companionship, they aren't all signs of serious illness or disease. Here are some common reasons why dogs prefer to be alone:

  • They're shy or scared. Some dogs don't like being around new people or other dogs right away. 
  • They're old and frail. Older dogs may not have the strength or stamina they once had, so they prefer to rest alone rather than play with younger dogs.
  • They're not feeling well. If your dog has a cold or other illness, he may want to stay in bed until he feels better. 
  • They have an injury. A dog with a broken bone or injured joint may not be able to run around and play as much as usual, so they prefer to rest by themselves.
  • They're stressed out. A new baby or pet in the house can cause stress for any dog, even if they’re usually social and outgoing.
If you have more questions or wish to schedule Fido for a checkup, please feel free to call us, your local vet clinic Bellevue, WA anytime!

Flea and Tick Medication For Adult Cats

Fleas and other kinds of parasites can cause health concerns for your pet. As soon as possible, your cat should be undergoing flea prevention treatments or medications. It does not matter if your cat follows indoor-only rules because fleas, ticks, and other parasites are small enough to slip through the cracks of your doors or enter your open windows to reach your pet.

Be mindful if your neighbor has any pets as they might bring the fleas closer to your cat and your home. If your cat likes exploring the outdoors, do a thorough check on her when she comes back to prevent any infestation. Mosquitos might also cause heartworm disease if they manage to fly into your home and bite your pet. 

Consult your veterinarian Bellevue, WA on the best flea prevention methods and treatments that are suitable for your cat.

Care And Management Of Foldex Cats


First-time cat owners are always concerned about whether they care for their cats correctly. Cats are not sensitive to the way they are taken care of. As long as your Foldex cat is safe and unharmed during your time together, it would be best to stop worrying. Here are other tips that will make your cat healthy and comfortable: 

       Keep up with her scheduled vet appointments. Many cat owners need to pay more attention to regular veterinarian visits. Little do they know that many cats have been saved because the vet detected a developing life-threatening condition.

       Consider setting up a scratching post for her. This purchase will not only serve the purpose of entertaining your cat. This will also encourage her to keep scratching, a cat's natural way of maintaining her nails.

       Clean your cat's ears and teeth. Examine the ears of your cat first. Clean it only if necessary using a cloth or cotton ball. As for her teeth, just make sure it is brushed daily to remove the food stuck in her gums. Not all mouth products work for cats. Getting your vet's advice when buying dental products for your cat is vital.

       Buy cat-safe. These toys will keep your cat happy and busy when left home alone. 

Consult your veterinarian Spring Hill, TN about the best ways to protect your pet from various health issues.

Thursday, 16 March 2023

Is It Unhealthy for Dogs to Be Overweight ?

If you're a dog owner, you've probably wondered if it's unhealthy for dogs to be overweight.

The answer is yes.

Obesity in dogs is a serious problem and can lead to diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer. It can also cause pain and discomfort for your pet, which means that you'll need to treat them for other conditions before they can lose weight.

So how do you know if your dog is overweight? The easiest way is by looking at them and their behavior - 

  • A layer of fat over their ribs and 
  • Carrying extra weight around their belly or backside  
  • Swelling or puffiness around the face or joints may indicate a joint problem related to their weight gain
  • Loss of muscle mass (as opposed to fat)
  • A deep jowl line
  • A pot belly
  • Circling before sitting down (this indicates that they have trouble breathing), or panting while sleeping or resting
  • Rapid breathing, especially after exercise

If you notice any of these symptoms, then we recommend getting Fido into treatment as soon as possible so he can live a longer, happier life!

And if you have more questions or need help putting together an exercise/diet regimen for your pooch, please don't hesitate to call us, your local vet clinic Bellevue WA anytime!

Tips For Sighted People Who Want To Help

Living to the full may be difficult for some people who face numerous challenges. This case is true for people who have issues with their eyesight or who are visually impaired. These individuals may find accomplishing numerous tasks hard because they hardly see a thing. Imagine crossing the road without clear vision. That is difficult. Right?

But be reminded that these visually impaired individuals still deserve your respect. They are humans who try to live every single day with their heads up high. Now, if you want to extend a helping hand to these people, ask them first if they want it. Understand that some of them do not like to receive help from others. But some are okay with it.

Here are some tips for assisting people with visual impairment:

· Ask the people where they need to go and assist them

· Walk with them by matching their speed

· Describe orally the obstacles in front of them

· Be specific in describing objects

· Do not pet their dogs so as not to distract these pets from doing their job in assisting people with visual impairment

 Any sign of an eye problem should warrant a visit to your eye clinic Washington, DC for proper medical attention.

Turkish Angora Temperament

They say that a pet's personality most often than not reflects its pet owner's personality. For example, if you own a pet that is calm, quiet, and gentle, chances are you prefer solitude and peace in your life. On the other hand, if you are active, energetic, and always on the go, you would opt for a pet that has the same qualities.

The Turkish Angora cat is one of the most preferred cat breeds among pet owners. Most often than not, people who live simple, quiet lives choose this cat breed. This is because this cat is timid, low-maintenance, and intelligent. Fur parents never have a hard time training this type of cat.

Turkish Angoras are also known to be sociable animals and they get along well with other pets. Oftentimes, they have a favourite household member and they get too attached to that person.

If you have any questions or concerns about your pet’s behaviour,  don’t hesitate to contact your animal clinic Lexington, KY.