Wednesday 21 March 2018

Signs your bird may be getting sick

Your feathery friend is a wonderful part of your life and you want to make sure you are there to give her the care she needs when she needs it. How can you tell if she is sick and in need of some additional attention?

Your pet is a good friend, and you have come to know her well. This knowledge will help you when evaluating how your pet is feeling. She will likely want to interact with you and take part in favored activities when she is well, and she will opt out of them when she is sick. She may also be found on the bottom of her cage instead of on her perches if she isn’t feeling too great. In fact, any changes to her typical behavior could be because of her falling ill. For additional information, please contact your local Fayetteville, NC veterinarian.

Monday 19 March 2018

Food Aggression in Light Red Fox Gerbils

Animals that are normally aggressive, like the Light Red Fox gerbil, can be extremely aggressive when it comes to food. If your gerbil is normally sweet, cuddly and loving and then all the sudden bites or scratches you take a step back and ask yourself what the situations are revolving around the incident. For instance, did your gerbil bite or scratch you while you were feeding him? Did he show this aggressive behavior while feeding another gerbil in the cage? If this is the case, your gerbil is showing definite signs of food aggression. You can help him overcome this by feeding him at the same time each day so he doesn’t think he’s going to miss a feeding. If you have more than one gerbil, you may need a bigger cage so they don’t feel like they must fight for food. For more tips, call your Aurora, CO veterinary clinic.

Signs of Hip Dysplasia in Dogs

Did you know that hip dysplasia is a common skeletal disease seen in large dogs like the German Shepherd and Retrievers? The disease occurs when the ball and socket join in the hip fails to develop normally or is altered due to an injury, trauma or osteoarthritis. The malformation usually causes the ball and socket to meet incorrectly causing a grinding or rubbing instead of a smooth movement. Over time, the hip joint can deteriorate and the dog can lose complete function. It can occur as early as four months of age. Symptoms can depend on the severity or the progression of the disease and can include joint looseness or laxity, decreased activity, difficulty for the dog to rise, run, jump or climb stairs, hind-limb lameness, hopping or a swaying gate, painful hip joints, decreased range of motion, and loss of muscle mass. If your dog has any of these symptoms, call your Aurora, CO veterinary clinic.

What is a Color Point Shorthair Cat?

The Color Point Short hair is a short hair cat with distinct coloring or markings located at the tips or points of the head, tail and legs. These color points are generally dark in color compared with the color of the overall body. A Color Point Short hair can come in 16 different colors all with color point markings. The breed was developed as the result of crossing a Seal Point Siamese cat and a Red Tabby American Short hair cat. The Color Point Short hair carries the tabby markings and Seal point markings. Like the short hair, the coat of a Color Point is short and requires little to no grooming. Like the Siamese, the Color Point has a long, slender and muscular body with wedge shaped head, almond shaped blue eyes and flaring ears. The cat has characteristics from the Siamese and the American Short hair including its love for ‘talking’ and playfulness. Call your Aurora, CO veterinary clinic to learn more.

Pampering your Budgie

Budgies make great pets for first time pet owners and first time bird owners. They are small birds that love to socialize and be around people as well as other Budgies. They are around 7 inches in size and weigh between 1.1 and 1.4 ounces. Their small size makes them the perfect pet to pamper and love and cuddle. You can pamper your Budgie by providing him with special treats to eat. Hand feeding these treats is a great way to build a bond with your bird as well as to make him feel spoiled and treasured. Budgies also like to talk so spending time simply talking one on one with your Budgie is also a great way to pamper him. Holding him and stroking the top of his head while talking with him adds to the moment making your bird feel loved and treasured. For more ways to pamper your Budgie call your veterinary clinic Cherry Hill, NJ.

Friday 16 March 2018

The Budgerigars

The Budgerigar originated in Australia and was first recorded in 1805. It is also called a parakeet or a budgie. This bird is the smallest of the parrot species. They are around 7 inches in length and weigh between 1.1. and 1.4 ounces. The Budgerigars are outgoing and playful birds that love to be around people and other Budgerigars. It is recommended that you either spend a lot of time with your single Budgerigars or purchase the birds in pairs so they have a companion. The Budgerigar is also a curious bird that loves to explore inside and outside of his cage. They are also intelligent bids that can be taught different tricks including how to talk. Budgerigars are able to mimic human speech. The males are more vocal than females. The more you talk to the bird the more he can pick up on words and phrases. For more information about this bird, call your veterinarian Cherry Hill, NJ.

Thursday 15 March 2018

Making the most of your time with your pet

You spend a lot of time with your pet, but you wouldn’t exactly consider all of it to be quality time. How can you make the most of the time you do have with your pet?

You want to make sure you have a strong bond with your pet, so you will need to take the time to show her that she is a priority in your life. Be there to spend time with her outside of the care you are offering her. Give her your undivided attention and show her that she matters to you. Have some fun with your pet, and really enjoy her company. This will help you both engage in the activity at hand and make plenty of memories together. Your local Pasadena, MD vet can help you care for your pet. Visit this site for more information.