Showing posts with label animal hospital Aurora CO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label animal hospital Aurora CO. Show all posts

Wednesday 10 November 2021

Pet Rabbits Can Poop A Lot

Rabbits graze by nature and have high metabolisms.  These animals do not consume huge meals, but rather eat small bits throughout the day all day. Because rabbits are almost always eating something, they also are almost always pooping. 

Owners of pet rabbits have to set their expectations that when they let their pet out of its cage, the rabbit is going to do its business, regardless.  Be sure that you let your pet rabbit out in a room with an easy to wipe floor surface.  This will ensure that your furniture and carpets do not become soiled. 

The recommended bedding material to use inside their enclosures should be paper-based and avoid ones made from corn cobs, wood shavings, or various other indigestible products.  And because your pet will be pooping most of the time inside that cage, you have to spot-scoop that bedding every day and fully replace it once a week at the very least.

A sudden change in your pet's elimination habits should be brought to the attention of your local vet Aurora, CO

Friday 22 October 2021

What Foods Are Good for Rabbits ?

Rabbits love to eat and naturally graze throughout the day. While giving Fluffy random “green” foods, like grass and lettuce may seem suitable, your rabbit actually needs the right balance of different foods to stay healthy. This means certain foods are better for rabbits than other foods.

As a general rule, good hay or grass should make up the bulk of your rabbit’s daily diet and be available throughout the day. Avoid feeding Fluffy grass clippings, since they tend to ferment quickly. Hay is not only good for a rabbit’s digestive health but also helps wear his teeth down as he grows.

Fresh leafy greens should make up the remainder of your rabbit’s diet. Here are few to try:

Brussel sprouts
Bok Choy
Cabbage, both red and savoy
Romaine lettuce

And to keep things interesting, you can let Fluffy forage for fresh herb plants, including:


If your rabbit requires a special diet for health reasons, or you want more information about what foods to feed him, be sure to discuss this with your animal hospital Aurora CO.

Thursday 5 August 2021

Dog Treats Good For Pets


Finding the appropriate treats for your pet is an essential concern. Fortunately, animal organizations regularly advise helping pet owners. 

The Association of American Feed Control (AAFCO) says that it is okay if treats do not contain any nutrients. There is no need to put these on the label. But if the pet treat does contain any nutrients, these should be mentioned in the food package.

A study published in an animal welfare journal states that the dog treats that pet parents buy are often dental care sticks and biscuits.

Concerning dental treats, the Veterinary Oral Health Council shares a list of dog treats suited for your dog. These products are true to their claim that they can improve the dog’s dental health. 

On the other hand, products such as toy chew or bones are not supposed to have nutritional values if they don't contain any. So make sure that the treat you give to your pet does not contain too many calories, even if the manufacturer does not say so. Don't give treats too often.

A sudden change in your pet's appetite and/or eating habits should warrant a visit to your animal hospital Aurora, CO. Visit website for additional information.

Wednesday 4 August 2021

Do Hamsters Make Good Pets ?

When you and your kids enter a pet store, you will most likely stop and admire the fuzzy and adorable hamsters.  Though, they can be somewhat more nippy when compared to their close relatives the Guinea Pigs.  Nevertheless, hamsters can still make for enjoyable small beginner’s pets for children and even possibly young adults.  As with most pet cats, it is the female of the species that typically has attitude issues because female hamsters are usually the ones prone to bite when compared to the males.

Female hamsters might seem challenging to keep, but these animals are all individuals so your pet’s personality may vary from what would be typical.  Hamster care is fairly simple, particularly with kids.  All a hamster requires is a cage with decent enough dimensions as its housing, an exercise wheel, tunnels for play, and a comfortable spot for nesting.

Consult your animal hospital Aurora CO about the best way to protect your pet from various health issues.

Wednesday 16 June 2021

Prevent Hair Balls By Frequent Brushing


If you are worried about hairballs forming in your cat's stomach, your best solution would be to brush the cat's hair regularly. Regular brushing is very effective in collecting the hairs that might get ingested.

If you brush the cat's hair regularly, especially during shedding season, you can fur from getting in the stomach. If there is less hair in the stomach, there is a lesser possibility that hairballs will be formed. When you can control the hairball formation, you will not have to worry about these obstructing the cat's digestive system.

A short-haired cat can make do with once a week brushing. But for long-haired cats, you need to brush the hair more frequently. But during springtime, you need to brush the cat's hair daily because this is the season for shedding the thick coat from winter.

Consult your vet Aurora, CO, or groomer regarding the proper way of using a de-shedding tool. Make sure to use the right comb for your dog's hair. Take time to remove any mats and tangles so you will not encounter any problems in the future. Read more here.

Monday 22 February 2021

Cage Cleaning For Gerbils Like the Light Red Fox

 Cage Cleaning For Gerbils Like the Light Red Fox এর ছবির ফলাফল

Keeping your Light Red Fox gerbil’s cage clean can help keep down the smell of the cage and help your gerbil feel fresh and clean. It’s recommended that a deep clean be done once a week. If you have more than one Light Red Fox gerbil, you should plan on cleaning the cage more often. In fact, you should never go more than two weeks without cleaning the cage or else your Light Red Fox gerbil may start to stink. When cleaning your Light Red Fox gerbil’s cage, make sure you remove him to a safe and secure location while you clean. Always save a small portion of the old bedding to mix in with the new so that your Light Red Fox gerbil will recognize his own scent and make himself at home. If the cage is particularly dirty or stained, use soap and water to wash it out. Ask your recommended pet clinic Aurora CO about using vinegar water to remove odors.

Friday 29 January 2021

Coat Shedding in Ferrets

Ferrets shed their coats daily. They have thin hair, so when ferrets shed, the hair does not come off in lumps unlike those of heavily-coated dogs and cats. A pet owner is most likely to see shed strands after stroking a ferret, which is normal. Ferrets may undergo heavy shedding seasonally, during spring and autumn, to enable the growth of a thicker coat in preparation for the winter season. Some ferrets also experience abnormal shedding. The most common indicators of abnormal shedding in ferrets are bald patches and heavy shedding that is out of season. Abnormal shedding is sometimes a result of an underlying medical condition, such as thyroid and hormonal problems. The mating period and environmental stressors also contribute to abnormal shedding. Ferrets suffering from abnormal shedding need medical treatment, especially if the cause is related to a health problem. Pet owners should also observe their pets as ferrets are prone to ingesting their hair during coat self-grooming, potentially causing blockage and constipation.

Excessive shedding in pet ferrets should warrant a visit to your vet clinic Aurora CO.

Thursday 5 November 2020

Grooming Needs Of Cats

Cats take their grooming routines seriously, spending several hours a day licking their hair coat.  However, your pet cat will benefit from some grooming help especially if you have a long-haired pet. Regular grooming sessions with a brush can help keep your cat’s coat in good condition by preventing the formation of mats and tangles. Brushing also stimulates the skin glands to produce natural oils that keep the cat’s hair coat shiny and healthy. Cats don’t really need to bathe regularly. In addition to brushing their hair coat, you can use hypoallergenic pet tissues to wipe off any dirt or dust from their bodies. This is also a good way to lessen the allergens from cat dander. When your cat’s hair is tightly matted, you shouldn’t attempt to trim it off with a pair of scissors for it may result in skin injury. It is highly recommended that you bring your pet to the groomer for professional care and attention. 

 Any sign of hair coat or skin problem should warrant an appointment with your animal hospital Aurora CO.

Sunday 5 July 2020

Walking Your Dog

Walking your dog is a great way to help your dog release extra energy. Walks are great exercise as well. If you need to go for a walk, make sure you take your dog with you that way you both can get exercise and release stress and any anxiety. If you want to go for a long walk, try taking your dog on the trails. Review pet policies for the trail first and make sure you have what you need (i.e. poop bags). If you can let your dog off leash only do so if he’s been trained to come back when called otherwise keep him on leash. If you go for a walk in your neighborhood along the roadway, be sure to wear reflective clothing so you and your dog can be seen. Reflective leashes and harnesses are available for dogs too! For more ideas or call your veterinarian Aurora, CO. You can also visit website

Tuesday 9 June 2020

Guinea Pig Care

You have made a decision that you will buy a guinea pig as a pet that you will bring home and take care of. The next step is the real hard part: the actual taking care of your brand new pet. How should you care for your guinea pig and what can you do to make it right?

Taking good care of your guinea pig entails having the right pet supplies right there at your home. Take time to do your research and find the most reputable suppliers online and around your immediate vicinity. Having a nearby vet or animal clinic would be of great help. You need to find the right enclosure for your pet's needs and find the appropriate place around your home where you would place the enclosure. Think carefully about all the hazards to your pet and his enclosure. Once you've set up the enclosure, make sure to pay your veterinarian Aurora, CO a quick visit so you can get more advice. Visit this website to know more.

Monday 8 June 2020

Why Your Gerbil Requires a Bedding Material

Your favorite gerbil relies on you to take good care of her in every possible way so he can be happy and healthy. This could mean you would need to search for the preferred pet supply items that would keep him engaged and satisfied. A list of pet supply items include the bedding material for his enclosure -- is this necessary at all?

Like all gerbils, your gerbil needs an enclosure that is specifically designed to meet your beloved furry pocket pet's needs and help him stay engaged and active throughout his life.

The bedding material is an essential pet supply item for gerbils; it helps create and mimic the natural setting from which gerbils really live (primarily arid habitats). And being essential, the bedding material must be as natural as possible, and where your beloved gerbil can move around, rest in, or climb over. In other words, something that would help make him feel natural and comfortable.

Know more about your pet’s needs on your next visit to your vet clinic Aurora CO.

Wednesday 19 February 2020

Sharing your life with a pocket pet

You have decided to bring a pet into your life and you feel that a pocket pet would be ideal for your household. What’s it like sharing your life with this type of pet?

Looking after a pocket pet can be a very rewarding experience because it gives you a change to get to know and bond with a furry friend. It also offers you a lot of ways to spend your time that you wouldn’t be likely to without your new addition and a new reason to enjoy some time at home. It can be a lot of responsibility as well, since your pet’s needs will all be you to you to meet, so make sure you will be able to give your pocket pet the care she deserves. Your local veterinary clinic Aurora CO, Aspen Commons Animal Hospital can help you care for your pet.

Thursday 5 September 2019

General Tips For Feeding Pet Dogs

Contrary to popular notion, dogs are omnivores not true carnivores. A complete and balanced diet should have both plant and meat components. Here are some tips for feeding pet dogs:

l  Give a premium quality diet that is appropriate for your pet’s lifestage.
l  Although there are many types of human foods that can be given to dogs but as much as possible give them in moderation for it may affect their interest on their meal.
l  Avoid giving foods that are too rich because it may cause digestive upsets and even pancreatitis.
l  Follow a daily mealtime schedule regularly because dogs are creatures of habit.
l  When choosing pet food, never compromise your pet’s health by choosing quantity over quality. The money that you will save in buying generic pet food can eventually mean paying veterinary bills as a consequence of poor nutrition.

Your pet’s diet is one of the important concerns that you should discuss with your veterinarian Aurora, CO during your pet’s annual checks.

Wednesday 4 September 2019

Common Liver Problems In Pets

The liver plays several major functions in the body, making the organ more prone to various medical conditions that can negatively impact its integrity and function. Some of these problems include:

Fatty liver disease

Also known as hepatic lipidosis, this can happen when obese or overweight cats are placed on a crash diet or starved. Starvation mobilizes the fat deposits in the body which can overwhelm the liver with fat. When fat infiltrates the cells and tissues of the liver, the organ can no longer function and results in liver failure.


Many types of humans medications can be toxic to cats. This is attributed to the fact that the metabolism of cats differ from that of humans. Cats lack certain chemical pathways that can help breakdown harmful chemicals. In cats, poisoning causes major damage to the liver that is often irreversible.

Sudden changes in your pet’s health and/or behavior should be checked out by a veterinarian Aurora, CO.

Friday 5 July 2019

Important Things To Know About Vaccination In Cats

vets Aurora, CO
Vaccination can reduce the risk of acquiring certain medical conditions and their serious consequences in pet cats. Here are some important things that cat parents should know about vaccination in cats.
l  The possibility of side effects is always present but is very rare. And most of these side effects are usually mild and resolve within a day or two. The most common side effects include lethargy, fever, or swelling at the site of injection.
l  Vaccination is the perfect example of the adage ‘an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure’. When an unvaccinated cat contracts a serious illness which they could have been vaccinated from, the cost of treatment can possibly reach a thousand dollars; compare that to a few dollars for the cost of a vaccine.
l  Although the efficacy of vaccines is not 100% when it comes to disease prevention, vaccination can significantly reduce the level of severity in case the cat gets sick.
Consult your vets Aurora, CO if you have questions and/or concerns about vaccines and vaccination of cats.

Monday 19 March 2018

Signs of Hip Dysplasia in Dogs

Did you know that hip dysplasia is a common skeletal disease seen in large dogs like the German Shepherd and Retrievers? The disease occurs when the ball and socket join in the hip fails to develop normally or is altered due to an injury, trauma or osteoarthritis. The malformation usually causes the ball and socket to meet incorrectly causing a grinding or rubbing instead of a smooth movement. Over time, the hip joint can deteriorate and the dog can lose complete function. It can occur as early as four months of age. Symptoms can depend on the severity or the progression of the disease and can include joint looseness or laxity, decreased activity, difficulty for the dog to rise, run, jump or climb stairs, hind-limb lameness, hopping or a swaying gate, painful hip joints, decreased range of motion, and loss of muscle mass. If your dog has any of these symptoms, call your Aurora, CO veterinary clinic.