Showing posts with label vet Aurora CO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vet Aurora CO. Show all posts

Monday 22 February 2021

Possible Signs of Schiff-Sherrington Posture in Manx Cats

 Manx Cats এর ছবির ফলাফল

As some Manx cats and other breed feline age that sometime develop mobility issues.  For example, some cats develop conditions related to arthritis such as degenerative joint disease (DJD), and even something known as Schiff-Sherrington syndrome. If your Manx is having trouble moving around, contact your vet. Just because your Manx is having mobility trouble it does not mean she is suffering from a disease like Schiff-Sherrington. Your vet will need to examine your cat to determine the exact cause of immobility. Schiff-Sherrington typically occurs when the cat’s spinal cord is severed or cut across by a small lesion on the lower back. The lesion can occur due to trauma to the spine or even intervertebral disk disease, which is more common. Symptoms may include an unusual gait, inability to walk, inability to stand, rigidly extended forelimbs, and possible paralysis of the hind limbs. Talk with your animal hospital Aurora, CO to learn more.

Friday 29 January 2021

Coat Shedding in Ferrets

Ferrets shed their coats daily. They have thin hair, so when ferrets shed, the hair does not come off in lumps unlike those of heavily-coated dogs and cats. A pet owner is most likely to see shed strands after stroking a ferret, which is normal. Ferrets may undergo heavy shedding seasonally, during spring and autumn, to enable the growth of a thicker coat in preparation for the winter season. Some ferrets also experience abnormal shedding. The most common indicators of abnormal shedding in ferrets are bald patches and heavy shedding that is out of season. Abnormal shedding is sometimes a result of an underlying medical condition, such as thyroid and hormonal problems. The mating period and environmental stressors also contribute to abnormal shedding. Ferrets suffering from abnormal shedding need medical treatment, especially if the cause is related to a health problem. Pet owners should also observe their pets as ferrets are prone to ingesting their hair during coat self-grooming, potentially causing blockage and constipation.

Excessive shedding in pet ferrets should warrant a visit to your vet clinic Aurora CO.

Thursday 5 November 2020

Grooming Needs Of Cats

Cats take their grooming routines seriously, spending several hours a day licking their hair coat.  However, your pet cat will benefit from some grooming help especially if you have a long-haired pet. Regular grooming sessions with a brush can help keep your cat’s coat in good condition by preventing the formation of mats and tangles. Brushing also stimulates the skin glands to produce natural oils that keep the cat’s hair coat shiny and healthy. Cats don’t really need to bathe regularly. In addition to brushing their hair coat, you can use hypoallergenic pet tissues to wipe off any dirt or dust from their bodies. This is also a good way to lessen the allergens from cat dander. When your cat’s hair is tightly matted, you shouldn’t attempt to trim it off with a pair of scissors for it may result in skin injury. It is highly recommended that you bring your pet to the groomer for professional care and attention. 

 Any sign of hair coat or skin problem should warrant an appointment with your animal hospital Aurora CO.

Sunday 5 July 2020

Walking Your Dog

Walking your dog is a great way to help your dog release extra energy. Walks are great exercise as well. If you need to go for a walk, make sure you take your dog with you that way you both can get exercise and release stress and any anxiety. If you want to go for a long walk, try taking your dog on the trails. Review pet policies for the trail first and make sure you have what you need (i.e. poop bags). If you can let your dog off leash only do so if he’s been trained to come back when called otherwise keep him on leash. If you go for a walk in your neighborhood along the roadway, be sure to wear reflective clothing so you and your dog can be seen. Reflective leashes and harnesses are available for dogs too! For more ideas or call your veterinarian Aurora, CO. You can also visit website

Friday 13 March 2020

The Egyptian Mau

Are you familiar with the Egyptian Mau? It is an ancient cat that is said to originate from Egypt. In fact, some paintings date the cat as far back as 1550 B.C. The Egyptian Mau is depicted in daily life of the ancient Egyptians and even suggests that the cat may have been worshipped as a god by the kings of that time period. Mau in Egyptian means ‘cat’ or ‘sun’ so it is thought by some that the cat could’ve been a god of the sun. Studies of the breed’s DNA reveals that the Egyptian Maus of today have both European and North American ancestry or origins. Either way, the Egyptian Mau is an exotic looking breed that closely resembles the wild cheetah, which is one of the reasons it is sought after by many cat enthusiasts. It is the only cat breed with naturally occurring spots on the coat. Talk to your vet Aurora CO for more information.

Thursday 5 September 2019

General Tips For Feeding Pet Dogs

Contrary to popular notion, dogs are omnivores not true carnivores. A complete and balanced diet should have both plant and meat components. Here are some tips for feeding pet dogs:

l  Give a premium quality diet that is appropriate for your pet’s lifestage.
l  Although there are many types of human foods that can be given to dogs but as much as possible give them in moderation for it may affect their interest on their meal.
l  Avoid giving foods that are too rich because it may cause digestive upsets and even pancreatitis.
l  Follow a daily mealtime schedule regularly because dogs are creatures of habit.
l  When choosing pet food, never compromise your pet’s health by choosing quantity over quality. The money that you will save in buying generic pet food can eventually mean paying veterinary bills as a consequence of poor nutrition.

Your pet’s diet is one of the important concerns that you should discuss with your veterinarian Aurora, CO during your pet’s annual checks.

Wednesday 4 September 2019

Common Liver Problems In Pets

The liver plays several major functions in the body, making the organ more prone to various medical conditions that can negatively impact its integrity and function. Some of these problems include:

Fatty liver disease

Also known as hepatic lipidosis, this can happen when obese or overweight cats are placed on a crash diet or starved. Starvation mobilizes the fat deposits in the body which can overwhelm the liver with fat. When fat infiltrates the cells and tissues of the liver, the organ can no longer function and results in liver failure.


Many types of humans medications can be toxic to cats. This is attributed to the fact that the metabolism of cats differ from that of humans. Cats lack certain chemical pathways that can help breakdown harmful chemicals. In cats, poisoning causes major damage to the liver that is often irreversible.

Sudden changes in your pet’s health and/or behavior should be checked out by a veterinarian Aurora, CO.