Showing posts with label pet clinic aurora co. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pet clinic aurora co. Show all posts

Tuesday 8 March 2022

Before Getting A Pet Rabbit


If you're planning to have a rabbit at home, know that rabbits are herbivores. It will help if you prepare a lot of hay in stock because rabbits eat so much of it. In addition to that, rabbits also like eating a few fresh veggies every day. They also do not eat grain foods. Overall, rabbits need a high amount of fiber, so you should treat them with a fiber-rich diet. Feeding rabbits isn't as easy as giving canned foods to dogs and cats. You must restock fresh foods regularly. Thus, you should be financially ready.

Often, people adopt pet rabbits because they want someone to cuddle with. However, rabbits are prey, so they tend to get scared and nervous easily. You can remove their fear by holding them every day and rewarding them with food. Your rabbit may even learn to enjoy such gestures.

Take your pet to your veterinary clinic Aurora CO for regular health and dental checks. 

Thursday 17 February 2022

Can Pets Live Without Fish Oil Supplements?


Fish oil is one of the best supplements for your pets. It is essential in controlling cholesterol levels. This is the primary reason why fish oil supplements have gained popularity in improving heart health.

Fish oil supplements can also help maintain a regular heart rhythm. If the cholesterol level is controlled, there will be smoother blood circulation, which is crucial to heart health.

Cholesterol buildup is dangerous not only to heart health but also to the overall health of your dogs. Blood will have a lot of difficulty in passing through the arteries and veins of the dogs. This is also a known cause of stroke.

When you give fish oil supplements to your dogs, their improved blood circulation and heart function will significantly affect the general health of your pets. They will have better functions of the other vital organs of their body.

Do consult your veterinary clinic Aurora CO before starting your pet on any supplement.

Monday 9 August 2021

Feeding Pet Cats: Scheduled Meals Vs Free Feeding

Cats will typically prefer smaller meals offered throughout the day at regular intervals.  This is because, in the wilderness, they are hunters of opportunity, eating what they can, whenever they can.  They would catch small birds, bugs, and rodents up to perhaps twenty times a day to meet their calorie requirements.

But your pet cat does not require that many calories to maintain her carefree lifestyle.  Even with that, though, she might be enticed to nibble on her food now and then throughout her day, even if she is not hungry.

About sixty percent of pet cats in the US are overweight.  Therefore, it is possible that your pet needs your help in controlling her calorie intake.  Your vet could assist you in determining how much food your cat has to eat in a day.

But free-feeding your pet might make monitoring your pet’s food intake more difficult.  You might not observe your pet feeling ill immediately, so watch out for how much she eats and consult your vet Aurora CO if there is a sudden change in your cat’s appetite.

Thursday 5 August 2021

Dog Treats Good For Pets


Finding the appropriate treats for your pet is an essential concern. Fortunately, animal organizations regularly advise helping pet owners. 

The Association of American Feed Control (AAFCO) says that it is okay if treats do not contain any nutrients. There is no need to put these on the label. But if the pet treat does contain any nutrients, these should be mentioned in the food package.

A study published in an animal welfare journal states that the dog treats that pet parents buy are often dental care sticks and biscuits.

Concerning dental treats, the Veterinary Oral Health Council shares a list of dog treats suited for your dog. These products are true to their claim that they can improve the dog’s dental health. 

On the other hand, products such as toy chew or bones are not supposed to have nutritional values if they don't contain any. So make sure that the treat you give to your pet does not contain too many calories, even if the manufacturer does not say so. Don't give treats too often.

A sudden change in your pet's appetite and/or eating habits should warrant a visit to your animal hospital Aurora, CO. Visit website for additional information.

Sunday 21 February 2021

Obedience Classes for Dogs Like the Golden Retriever

 Obedience Classes for Dogs Like the Golden Retriever এর ছবির ফলাফল

If you’ve recently adopted or purchased a dog like the Golden Retriever, you may be wondering if your dog will need obedience training. This often depends on a dog’s age. Many pet stores, adoption centers and even your local vet may offer various levels of training for your Golden. Your vet can help you determine if a class is needed and at what level. Basic training is a must for all canine companions. Teaching your Golden to walk on a leash, follow simple commands like “sit” and “heel,” and how to behave around strangers are basic necessities. If you’re able to accomplish these successfully on your own then a specific class may not be for you. But, if you need help then don’t be afraid to sign up. Even if you don’t need training assistance, obedience classes can help socialize your Golden and build a network of support.Click here for more details from your vets Aurora, CO.

Friday 29 January 2021

Tips For Handling Hedgehogs

Hedgehogs can be intimidating to handle because people worry about their quills.  However, a hedgehog’s quills are different from a porcupine’s which are prickly and barbed. Knowing how to properly handle a pet hedgehog is essential to the pet owner because socialization and interaction with your pet are important.

Initially, you may want to wear gloves, like the gardening kind, for the first couple of handling instances.  If not used to being handled by people, hedgehogs can be anxious and jumpy, so be sure your voice is soothing and calm.  Softly slide your hand under your hedgehog’s belly, lifting his body, while sliding the other hand underneath. For stability, you may hold the hedgehog closer to your body, cupping your hands slightly.

Your veterinarian Aurora, CO is a valuable resource when it comes to your pet’s health and behavior.

More tips can be found at your Aspen Commons Animal Hospital.

Sunday 5 July 2020

Walking Your Dog

Walking your dog is a great way to help your dog release extra energy. Walks are great exercise as well. If you need to go for a walk, make sure you take your dog with you that way you both can get exercise and release stress and any anxiety. If you want to go for a long walk, try taking your dog on the trails. Review pet policies for the trail first and make sure you have what you need (i.e. poop bags). If you can let your dog off leash only do so if he’s been trained to come back when called otherwise keep him on leash. If you go for a walk in your neighborhood along the roadway, be sure to wear reflective clothing so you and your dog can be seen. Reflective leashes and harnesses are available for dogs too! For more ideas or call your veterinarian Aurora, CO. You can also visit website

Wednesday 19 February 2020

Where should you place your hamster’s enclosure

Your hamster needs you to not only offer her a place to call home, but to also put the enclosure you’ve so carefully crafted for her in a safe area. Where should you place this within your living space?

Your goal will be to find an area in your home where your pet can safely meet her needs. This means thinking about her comfort as well as her personal preferences too. Your pet needs to be able to understand that she can count on you to have her best interest in mind, so take the time to put her in an area where she will be away from hazards but close to the family she will be interacting with. Make sure this space will work with her daily routine, as she will likely take on tasks at different times than your family does. Your local reputed veterinary clinic Aurora CO can offer additional advice.

Friday 5 July 2019

Important Things To Know About Vaccination In Cats

vets Aurora, CO
Vaccination can reduce the risk of acquiring certain medical conditions and their serious consequences in pet cats. Here are some important things that cat parents should know about vaccination in cats.
l  The possibility of side effects is always present but is very rare. And most of these side effects are usually mild and resolve within a day or two. The most common side effects include lethargy, fever, or swelling at the site of injection.
l  Vaccination is the perfect example of the adage ‘an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure’. When an unvaccinated cat contracts a serious illness which they could have been vaccinated from, the cost of treatment can possibly reach a thousand dollars; compare that to a few dollars for the cost of a vaccine.
l  Although the efficacy of vaccines is not 100% when it comes to disease prevention, vaccination can significantly reduce the level of severity in case the cat gets sick.
Consult your vets Aurora, CO if you have questions and/or concerns about vaccines and vaccination of cats.