Showing posts with label vet clinic Aurora CO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vet clinic Aurora CO. Show all posts

Tuesday 8 March 2022

Before Getting A Pet Rabbit


If you're planning to have a rabbit at home, know that rabbits are herbivores. It will help if you prepare a lot of hay in stock because rabbits eat so much of it. In addition to that, rabbits also like eating a few fresh veggies every day. They also do not eat grain foods. Overall, rabbits need a high amount of fiber, so you should treat them with a fiber-rich diet. Feeding rabbits isn't as easy as giving canned foods to dogs and cats. You must restock fresh foods regularly. Thus, you should be financially ready.

Often, people adopt pet rabbits because they want someone to cuddle with. However, rabbits are prey, so they tend to get scared and nervous easily. You can remove their fear by holding them every day and rewarding them with food. Your rabbit may even learn to enjoy such gestures.

Take your pet to your veterinary clinic Aurora CO for regular health and dental checks. 

Wednesday 10 November 2021

Schiff-Sherrington Syndrome In Manx Cats: Signs To Watch Out For

If you have noticed that your cat has been exhibiting moments of immobility and seems to be experiencing pain, you must contact your veterinarian immediately and have your kitty checked. Although a lot of cats develop age-related conditions the involve mobility impairments, it is necessary to have a veterinarian examine your cat to identify the cause of her immobility.

Upon assessment by your veterinarian and it is suspected to be Schiff-Sherrington syndrome, your pet doctor will have to perform thorough tests and examinations beginning with the history of present illness. As a pet parent, you are to describe and provide detailed information about the signs and symptoms exhibited by your Manx cat and when it started. After which, a thorough physical and medical examination will be performed on your feline friend, such as urinalysis, bloodwork, electrolyte panel, and biochemistry profile to help rule out other possible conditions that show similar signs and symptoms. Aside from those, an MRI and CT scan might also be ordered as part of the assessment and examination.

Since immobility is not only a symptom of Schiff-Sherrington syndrome but also in other conditions, make sure to consult your veterinarian about issues regarding mobility to provide the proper diagnosis and interventions.

If your pet is showing any signs of illness, call your animal hospital Aurora, CO.

More tips can be found at your Aspen Commons Animal Hospital..

Monday 9 August 2021

Feeding Pet Cats: Scheduled Meals Vs Free Feeding

Cats will typically prefer smaller meals offered throughout the day at regular intervals.  This is because, in the wilderness, they are hunters of opportunity, eating what they can, whenever they can.  They would catch small birds, bugs, and rodents up to perhaps twenty times a day to meet their calorie requirements.

But your pet cat does not require that many calories to maintain her carefree lifestyle.  Even with that, though, she might be enticed to nibble on her food now and then throughout her day, even if she is not hungry.

About sixty percent of pet cats in the US are overweight.  Therefore, it is possible that your pet needs your help in controlling her calorie intake.  Your vet could assist you in determining how much food your cat has to eat in a day.

But free-feeding your pet might make monitoring your pet’s food intake more difficult.  You might not observe your pet feeling ill immediately, so watch out for how much she eats and consult your vet Aurora CO if there is a sudden change in your cat’s appetite.

Friday 3 July 2020

Microchipping your Canine

Have you thought about how you want to have your canine carry his ID? That’s right; your canine should be carrying ID. Should your dog get lost then he would have ID that could point someone in the right direction to finding his home. If you don’t want your dog to wear an ID tag on his collar, then you might want to consider having your dog microchipped. The first thing to do is to find out if your dog has a microchip already. Ask your vet to run a scanner over your dog to identify the microchip. If there is one, write down the number, find the organization its registered with and register it with your information. If there’s no microchip, your vet can give your dog one. The microchip is injected beneath the surface of your dog’s skin just between the shoulder blades. Consult with your vet clinic Aurora CO to find out more information. 

Monday 8 June 2020

Why Your Gerbil Requires a Bedding Material

Your favorite gerbil relies on you to take good care of her in every possible way so he can be happy and healthy. This could mean you would need to search for the preferred pet supply items that would keep him engaged and satisfied. A list of pet supply items include the bedding material for his enclosure -- is this necessary at all?

Like all gerbils, your gerbil needs an enclosure that is specifically designed to meet your beloved furry pocket pet's needs and help him stay engaged and active throughout his life.

The bedding material is an essential pet supply item for gerbils; it helps create and mimic the natural setting from which gerbils really live (primarily arid habitats). And being essential, the bedding material must be as natural as possible, and where your beloved gerbil can move around, rest in, or climb over. In other words, something that would help make him feel natural and comfortable.

Know more about your pet’s needs on your next visit to your vet clinic Aurora CO.

Saturday 14 March 2020

Cleaning Your Cat’s Ears

Did you know that checking your cat’s ears and keeping them clean is part of taking care of your cat and providing for his overall health and wellness? A cat’s ears can get extremely dusty. They can also collect things like dust particles, bugs, dirt, etc. In the summer, the ears could get built up with gnats, wax can also build up as can dirt as previously mentioned. So what can you do? Check the ears regularly to ensure they are clean. If you find they are extremely dirty, call your vet. You should also check with your vet before cleaning the ears yourself. When cleaning the ears, use a vet approved liquid ear cleaner on a piece of cotton or gauze. Examples include mineral oil or hydrogen peroxide. Fold your cat’s ears back and wipe the dirt and wax from the outer ear. Do not go in the ear canal and call your experienced pet clinic Aurora CO if there’s any discharge or smell.

Friday 13 March 2020

The Egyptian Mau

Are you familiar with the Egyptian Mau? It is an ancient cat that is said to originate from Egypt. In fact, some paintings date the cat as far back as 1550 B.C. The Egyptian Mau is depicted in daily life of the ancient Egyptians and even suggests that the cat may have been worshipped as a god by the kings of that time period. Mau in Egyptian means ‘cat’ or ‘sun’ so it is thought by some that the cat could’ve been a god of the sun. Studies of the breed’s DNA reveals that the Egyptian Maus of today have both European and North American ancestry or origins. Either way, the Egyptian Mau is an exotic looking breed that closely resembles the wild cheetah, which is one of the reasons it is sought after by many cat enthusiasts. It is the only cat breed with naturally occurring spots on the coat. Talk to your vet Aurora CO for more information.

Tuesday 18 February 2020

Cat whisker basics

Your cat has whiskers that distinctly add to her facial features and you have noticed that they tend to move about when you pet is gathering information when she is gathering information about the world around her. Why is this?

While it may be easy to assume that her whiskers are simply another part of her fur, they are actually a lot more than this. They are indeed used to help her check out her surroundings and can offer her a lot of information about the world around her. They are particularly useful when your cat is trying to track down prey or navigate somewhere in the dark, as they can help to point her in the right direction by taking note of the air currents around her environment. For additional information, please contact your local vet clinic Aurora CO.

Thursday 5 September 2019

General Tips For Feeding Pet Dogs

Contrary to popular notion, dogs are omnivores not true carnivores. A complete and balanced diet should have both plant and meat components. Here are some tips for feeding pet dogs:

l  Give a premium quality diet that is appropriate for your pet’s lifestage.
l  Although there are many types of human foods that can be given to dogs but as much as possible give them in moderation for it may affect their interest on their meal.
l  Avoid giving foods that are too rich because it may cause digestive upsets and even pancreatitis.
l  Follow a daily mealtime schedule regularly because dogs are creatures of habit.
l  When choosing pet food, never compromise your pet’s health by choosing quantity over quality. The money that you will save in buying generic pet food can eventually mean paying veterinary bills as a consequence of poor nutrition.

Your pet’s diet is one of the important concerns that you should discuss with your veterinarian Aurora, CO during your pet’s annual checks.

Wednesday 4 September 2019

Common Liver Problems In Pets

The liver plays several major functions in the body, making the organ more prone to various medical conditions that can negatively impact its integrity and function. Some of these problems include:

Fatty liver disease

Also known as hepatic lipidosis, this can happen when obese or overweight cats are placed on a crash diet or starved. Starvation mobilizes the fat deposits in the body which can overwhelm the liver with fat. When fat infiltrates the cells and tissues of the liver, the organ can no longer function and results in liver failure.


Many types of humans medications can be toxic to cats. This is attributed to the fact that the metabolism of cats differ from that of humans. Cats lack certain chemical pathways that can help breakdown harmful chemicals. In cats, poisoning causes major damage to the liver that is often irreversible.

Sudden changes in your pet’s health and/or behavior should be checked out by a veterinarian Aurora, CO.