Saturday 14 March 2020

Cleaning Your Cat’s Ears

Did you know that checking your cat’s ears and keeping them clean is part of taking care of your cat and providing for his overall health and wellness? A cat’s ears can get extremely dusty. They can also collect things like dust particles, bugs, dirt, etc. In the summer, the ears could get built up with gnats, wax can also build up as can dirt as previously mentioned. So what can you do? Check the ears regularly to ensure they are clean. If you find they are extremely dirty, call your vet. You should also check with your vet before cleaning the ears yourself. When cleaning the ears, use a vet approved liquid ear cleaner on a piece of cotton or gauze. Examples include mineral oil or hydrogen peroxide. Fold your cat’s ears back and wipe the dirt and wax from the outer ear. Do not go in the ear canal and call your experienced pet clinic Aurora CO if there’s any discharge or smell.

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