Tuesday 24 March 2020

Common Ways to Administer a Pill to Your Dog

Giving your dog a pill can be tricky. Whether it’s a one time dose or given on a routine basis, your dog may not be so accepting to take a pill. Here are a few ways to help. First, ask your vet for a chewable form of your pill. This is often a better solution if your dog doesn’t like to swallow pills. You can also try putting the pill in your dog’s food. Chewable or not, he may just eat it right up with his dog food. If he doesn’t, try hiding the pill in a pill pocket dog treat or wrap it in a piece of cheese or bread. If you still have problems, then you may need to make your dog swallow it. You can do this by placing the pill at the back of your dog’s tongue and gently close his mouth until he swallows. For additional assistance and directions, please talk with your animal hospital Burlington, ON.

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