Monday 16 March 2020

How are Heartworms Transmitted in Dogs like the Labrador?

Heartworm disease is disease involving large, slender worms invading a dog’s bloodstream and effecting the heart, lungs, etc. But how do these worms get inside your dog? The main way heartworms are transmitted is through mosquitoes. When a mosquito bites an infected animal, it picks up the larvae of heartworms through the blood. The next animal the mosquito bites then gets a deposit of the heartworm larvae right into the bloodstream. Research has found that it takes 10 to 14 days for the worms to become infective. It has also been found that heartworms can live for anywhere from 5 to 7 years in your dog. It’s very important to have your dog tested for heartworms annually and to have your dog on a heartworm prevention medication. You should also treat your yard and surrounding areas for mosquitoes with animal and human safe products. You can learn more by clicking here or contacting your veterinarians Goodyear, AZ.

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