Wednesday 25 March 2020

Training Your Parakeet to Sit on Your Shoulder

Training your parakeet to sit on your shoulder is a fun trick. Work with your parakeet to train him to step up on your finger by using an extra perch pressed to his abdomen just above his feet. Eventually your parakeet will hop onto your finger so you can take him out of the cage. When this maneuver becomes the standard way to handle your parakeet, shift him from your finger to your shoulder. Be direct but move slowly. Stand still so your parakeet gets used to sitting on your shoulder and as his confidence grows, take a few slow steps. Gradually increase the distance and enter other rooms. Ensure all doors or windows are closed. Talk slowly and softly to your parakeet to keep him calm. When you are ready to put your parakeet back into the cage, encourage him to hop back onto your finger. Learn more from your veterinary clinic Auburn Hills, MI.

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