Showing posts with label veterinarian aurora co. Show all posts
Showing posts with label veterinarian aurora co. Show all posts

Thursday 14 April 2022

Positive Reassurance Is Important During Puppy Training


One of the important tips for training your pup is to give him positive reassurance whenever they do the right thing. Remember that he's still learning; thus, he may get things more quickly if you reward your dog when they do behaviors that are okay for you. For instance, when your pet uses the puppy pad in the bathroom, you may reward him with some treats and praises to show that you appreciate his conduct. After some time, your pet will associate that behavior with receiving goodies, thus doing it continuously. With that, it's best to keep his training treats at hand.

It's essential to apply positive reinforcement in all training regimens to let your dog know that you like how he behaves. Dogs love to please us, so giving him some treats whenever he does your desired behavior is an excellent way for you to express your appreciation.

If you have any questions or concerns about your pet’s health and/or behavior,  don’t hesitate to contact your animal hospital Aurora, CO. Learn more here.

Do Pets Need Supplements?


As the world becomes more modern and advanced, it exposes itself to various changes and more dangers or harm. Thus, humans and animals seek ways how they can survive and adapt to such changes.

One thing that aids living beings, both people and animals, in facing today’s trying times is good nutrition. This element can be acquired from good food that comes with beneficial nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.

If you are a fur parent, you should know that your pets’ daily diet must include food supplements for added nutrition. Glucosamine Chondroitin is a good supplement for your beloved animal companions.

This substance occurs naturally and is beneficial for keeping the bones and joints healthy. Because of its positive effects, Glucosamine is good for all animals, including cats, dogs, and horses. However, be sure that the type of Glucosamine you will give your pets is made for them and not for humans because certain ingredients vary.

Some benefits of this supplement to dogs are:

      Repairs damaged cartilage

      Address arthritic pains and aches

      Aids recovery from joint surgery

Do consult your veterinarian Aurora, CO before starting your pet on any supplement. 

Tuesday 8 March 2022

Before Getting A Pet Rabbit


If you're planning to have a rabbit at home, know that rabbits are herbivores. It will help if you prepare a lot of hay in stock because rabbits eat so much of it. In addition to that, rabbits also like eating a few fresh veggies every day. They also do not eat grain foods. Overall, rabbits need a high amount of fiber, so you should treat them with a fiber-rich diet. Feeding rabbits isn't as easy as giving canned foods to dogs and cats. You must restock fresh foods regularly. Thus, you should be financially ready.

Often, people adopt pet rabbits because they want someone to cuddle with. However, rabbits are prey, so they tend to get scared and nervous easily. You can remove their fear by holding them every day and rewarding them with food. Your rabbit may even learn to enjoy such gestures.

Take your pet to your veterinary clinic Aurora CO for regular health and dental checks. 

Wednesday 10 November 2021

Pet Rabbits Can Poop A Lot

Rabbits graze by nature and have high metabolisms.  These animals do not consume huge meals, but rather eat small bits throughout the day all day. Because rabbits are almost always eating something, they also are almost always pooping. 

Owners of pet rabbits have to set their expectations that when they let their pet out of its cage, the rabbit is going to do its business, regardless.  Be sure that you let your pet rabbit out in a room with an easy to wipe floor surface.  This will ensure that your furniture and carpets do not become soiled. 

The recommended bedding material to use inside their enclosures should be paper-based and avoid ones made from corn cobs, wood shavings, or various other indigestible products.  And because your pet will be pooping most of the time inside that cage, you have to spot-scoop that bedding every day and fully replace it once a week at the very least.

A sudden change in your pet's elimination habits should be brought to the attention of your local vet Aurora, CO

Monday 9 August 2021

Feeding Pet Cats: Scheduled Meals Vs Free Feeding

Cats will typically prefer smaller meals offered throughout the day at regular intervals.  This is because, in the wilderness, they are hunters of opportunity, eating what they can, whenever they can.  They would catch small birds, bugs, and rodents up to perhaps twenty times a day to meet their calorie requirements.

But your pet cat does not require that many calories to maintain her carefree lifestyle.  Even with that, though, she might be enticed to nibble on her food now and then throughout her day, even if she is not hungry.

About sixty percent of pet cats in the US are overweight.  Therefore, it is possible that your pet needs your help in controlling her calorie intake.  Your vet could assist you in determining how much food your cat has to eat in a day.

But free-feeding your pet might make monitoring your pet’s food intake more difficult.  You might not observe your pet feeling ill immediately, so watch out for how much she eats and consult your vet Aurora CO if there is a sudden change in your cat’s appetite.

Tuesday 15 June 2021

Allergies In Pets

A pet that has allergies will develop hypersensitivity and show different symptoms because their body systems will try to get rid of the irritating substance. One way to manage pet allergies is to control allergen exposure. Should the possible allergen be in food, then determining the components of your pet’s food to find the allergen is crucial. This is done through the process of elimination. One food component is removed each feeding time to pinpoint which one triggers the allergy reaction. If you are planning to modify your pet’s meals, first check with your veterinarian. Your vet might help you craft a specialized diet to offer to your pet so that any adverse reactions can be checked first before getting your pet back to regular meals. Your pet’s environment can also be rife with allergens like dust and pollen, and being exposed to these is mostly unpreventable. But the directed dosage must still be followed so that any negative side effects can be prevented.

If you have concerns about your pet’s health and/or behavior, contact your vet clinic Aurora CO.

Friday 3 July 2020

Microchipping your Canine

Have you thought about how you want to have your canine carry his ID? That’s right; your canine should be carrying ID. Should your dog get lost then he would have ID that could point someone in the right direction to finding his home. If you don’t want your dog to wear an ID tag on his collar, then you might want to consider having your dog microchipped. The first thing to do is to find out if your dog has a microchip already. Ask your vet to run a scanner over your dog to identify the microchip. If there is one, write down the number, find the organization its registered with and register it with your information. If there’s no microchip, your vet can give your dog one. The microchip is injected beneath the surface of your dog’s skin just between the shoulder blades. Consult with your vet clinic Aurora CO to find out more information. 

Wednesday 19 February 2020

Sharing your life with a pocket pet

You have decided to bring a pet into your life and you feel that a pocket pet would be ideal for your household. What’s it like sharing your life with this type of pet?

Looking after a pocket pet can be a very rewarding experience because it gives you a change to get to know and bond with a furry friend. It also offers you a lot of ways to spend your time that you wouldn’t be likely to without your new addition and a new reason to enjoy some time at home. It can be a lot of responsibility as well, since your pet’s needs will all be you to you to meet, so make sure you will be able to give your pocket pet the care she deserves. Your local veterinary clinic Aurora CO, Aspen Commons Animal Hospital can help you care for your pet.

Saturday 6 July 2019

Why Is My Neutered Cat Spraying?

Spraying in neutered cats is a common concern among cat parents who thought that having their cat fixed can stop the behavior. In most cases, it may take a month or so after neutering for the hormonal activity of the cat to calm down. However, since spraying is not always sexually-related, it can also be triggered by certain activities or situations. So, if your kitty still keeps on engaging in the behavior, there is a need to dig in deeper to find out any underlying issues that may be causing your pet to behave this way. Aside from having become a deeply-ingrained habit, spraying can be triggered when a cat catches a whiff of scent spots. Stress can also be an important predisposing factor of spray marking. Correcting the behavior can take time, patience, and effort. It is also recommended that you see a vet Aurora, CO to make sure that it is not caused by a health issue