Thursday 26 April 2018

Why Your Pet’s Wellness Checks Are Important

Visits to the vet should not be viewed as something that should only be made when there is something wrong with a pet. Visits to the vet are made not only when your pet is sick; annual wellness checks are necessary to help safeguard your pet’s health and well-being.Although these visits may be stressful to pets and pet parents alike, it is absolutely necessary. Fortunately, steps can be taken to reduce stress. By the way, if you dread visits to the vet, think about what it means to your pet. And if you harbor negative emotions, your pet will sense it too and this can add to his stress level. It is enough to say that a change in perspective can help deal with this appropriately. Before the day of your pet’s appointment at your animal hospital Kalamazoo, MI, your questions, concerns, and notes that you wish to discuss with your vet should all be listed down. Don’t hesitate to ask questions so you will have a clearer picture of what you and your pet are dealing with.

Tuesday 24 April 2018

B.A.R.F.Diet – Raw Food Diet For Cats And Dogs

Are you familiar with the B.A.R.F. diet principle? B.A.R.F.stands for ‘Biologically Appropriate Raw Foods’ or “Bones and Raw Foods”. The B.A.R.F. principle believes feeding raw meat on the bone as well as raw vegetables are best for cats and dogs. Raw, because cooking reduces and/or eliminates nutrients and enzymes that are essential in the dog’s diet. Also, additives and preservatives are not mixed in pet food because of the harmful effects linked to their consumption. In effect, the regimen is based on the idea that dogs and cats are natural carnivores in the wild where they derived daily sustenance by eating prey. Some B.A.R.F. diets support the use of natural supplements, while others totally avoid supplemental foods because they believe that a proper B.A.R.F. diet should contain natural nutrients from natural ingredients.  Know more about your pet’s nutritional needs by consulting with your veterinarians Kalamazoo, MI.

Medication Therapy for DM in Dogs like the Coonhound

Degenerative Myelopathy also known as DM is an incurable disease that affects the nerves and spinal cords of dogs like the Coonhound and other breeds. DM causes numbness and tingling in the backend or hind legs of the dog and eventual paralysis. Some experts believe that physical therapy can help strengthen the muscles and give dogs a prolonged period of mobility more so than no therapy or treatment at all. It’s important to remember that there is no cure for DM. Treatment and preventative care is primarily used to help dogs remain comfortable and to keep them moving as long as possible. Other treatments and medications that can help keep dogs comfortable include N-Acetylcysteine (an antioxidant), Aminocaproic acid (inhibits the breakdown of fibrin needed for blood clots), Antiox-Q (vitamins and minerals to help the nervous system), and Antiox-QCB (like Antiox-Q but also contains an anti-inflammatory). Talk to your Orangevale, CA veterinarians about prescribing these for your dog.

Types of Mange in Dogs

Did you know that dogs can get manage? Manage is a skin disease caused by mites or parasites that burrow into the skin causing excessive scratching and eventual hair loss. Manage is often called canine scabies. There are different types of mange that can occur in dogs. The first is Demodectic mange. This occurs when the mites are localized to a specific area on the dog causing isolated patches of mange or bald spots. This type of mange can pass easily between mother and pup shortly after birth. Most puppies are able to throw this off on their own as it is only localized. Another type of mange can affect the entire body and causes itchy and smelly skin due to bacterial infections that occur. Another form of mange is demodectic pododermatitis, which occurs on the foot and paw area. This cat is also bacterial. Consult with your Thorold, ON veterinarian to learn more.

Monday 23 April 2018

Exercising with your dog

Your dog is a big part of your life so it’s important to you that she stays healthy and fit. Since you want the same for yourself, you’re wondering if there is a way to tackle these tasks together. How can you exercise with your dog?

Your dog needs you to first take the time to understand her capabilities and limitations so you can safely take part in physical activity together. This will likely mean heading out for a walk, but some dogs may be up for a jog, a hike, or even a run. You can also make a point to play more actively with one another. This will mean moving about alongside your pet and engaging in ways you may not have before, like running beside her when she goes to fetch a ball. For more information, please contact your local animal hospital London ON.

What are the Symptoms of FeLV in Cornish Rex Cats?

Did you know that FeLV stands for Feline Leukemia Virus? It is a deadly virus that has no cure. It only affects cats and is transmitted through saliva, blood, and possibly urine and feces. It is not contagious to other animals or people. Cats with FeLV may present a broad range of symptoms. The most common include pale gums, yellow coloring of the mouth and eyes, enlarged lymph nodes, bladder infections, skin infections, upper respiratory infections, weight loss, poor coat, lethargy, fever, diarrhea, difficulty breathing, etc. It’s important to keep FeLV positive cats away from healthy cats in order to protect all cats. FeLV can be spread through licking, grooming, or eating and drinking after an infected cat. An FeLV cat has a compromised immune system and could pick up germs from a healthy cat that could cause harm to the FeLV cat. For more information, consult with your Rochester, NY veterinarian.

Sunday 22 April 2018

Can Egyptian Maus Drink Pool Water?

No, your cat should be drinking pool water. There are chemicals in the water if it’s been taken care of. If the pool isn’t cared for then there’s a chance the water is filthy and has sat for a while collecting all kinds of bacteria and things that could potentially hurt your cat. If you notice your Egyptian Mau or other feline friend drinking out of the pool constantly, then perhaps you should add more water bowls for your cat. Try adding one in the pool area so she’ll stay away from the pool. Or, block off the pool area so your cat cannot get there to drink from the pool. This may be best especially if your cat can’t swim. If she falls in trying to drink water she may get scared and panic. If your cat recently drank a lot of pool water and you’re concerned about her health, give your Rochester, NY vet a call.