Monday 4 November 2019

Tips To Ease Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) Symptoms In Pets

Many pets suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD) during winter when days are shorter and they are exposed to less amounts of natural sunlight. Less exposure to natural sunlight will mean an increase in the production of melatonin by the body and less of serotonin. Melatonin leads to decreased activity and increased sleepiness. Thus, during this time, pet cats and dogs tend to spend more time sleeping and just lazing around. The good news is t here are simple things you can do to lift your pet’s spirits and erase the blues away.

  • Increase your pet’s exposure to natural sunlight by making sure that drapes, blinds, and shades are open during daytime.

  • Move your pet’s toys, bed, or furniture near a window so he will be exposed to natural light for as long as possible.

  •  If the weather permits, take your dog on outdoor excursions during the day.

  • Adjust your daily routine to maximize daylight use and enjoyment for you and your pet.

  • Change your light bulbs to full spectrum bulbs because they are designed to mimic sunlight.

  • Provide lots of opportunities for physical and mental enrichment as well as increased interaction with your pet.

You should consult with your vet White Rock, TX if you notice sudden changes in your pet’s health and/or behavior. Visit this website for more information.

Why it’s important to periodically look at the care you offer your pet

Your pet means a lot to you and you want to make sure you are able to understand her to the best of your ability. This means taking the time to figure out what your little fur ball needs at each stage of life she passes through.

Your pet needs you to assess your care in order to gain an understanding of what you can offer her to better meet her needs. Since she changes as time passes, she will need you to be aware of this and adapt your care from time to time. Her current needs won’t always match up to the care you are offering, so this will give you a chance to recognize where improvements can be made and figure out a strategy to better serve her. Your local veterinarian Green Bay, WI can help you care for your pet. Click here for additional information.

Keeping your exotic pet content in your home

You have a new pet in your life and she happens to fall into the exotic pet category. How can you keep her content in your home?

Your little fur ball needs to be able to understand a lot of the new and different ways to interact with her to get familiar with the environment around her. Offering her plenty of variety in her activities can help with this, as it will give her a chance to relax in your care. Keeping her content means varying these so your pet is never bored in your living space. Offer her different toys, new ways to play, and lots of love and affection to keep her interested in her family and the world around her. Your local reputed vet Crown Point, IN can help you offer your pet a wonderful place to call home.

Sunday 3 November 2019

Where your cat wants to relax

Your cat shares your living space with you and this means that she will be looking for a place to rest and relax in this space. Where is she likely to be the most comfortable?

Your cat will need to nap on a regular basis and this means that she will likely try to find a place she can rest again and again. Your little fur ball needs to be able to stretch out and be comfortably supported so she won’t be tossing and turning. She also needs to be able to rest without interruption, so she is likely to select a spot off the beaten path in your home. She may seek out new and different places until she finds an area she likes, and then she will likely stick to this unless she finds an area that is even more appealing. For additional information, please contact your local pet clinic Marion, IA.

Friday 1 November 2019

Keeping your dog out of unsafe places

Your dog needs you to keep an eye on her in order to help keep her out of trouble. How can you keep her out of unsafe places?

Your pet needs you to look at this issue from two different points of view. First, you will need to block off unsafe areas so your pet knows she shouldn’t be heading into them. This will help prevent issues. You will also have to make sure your pet has what she needs in safe areas of your living space so she doesn’t try to venture into the unsafe areas. If she is bored and motivated to so do, she may try to sneak a peek in these spaces. Make sure she has plenty of ways to stay busy to prevent this from happening. Your local veterinarians Newmarket, ON can offer additional advice. Visit this website for more information.

Creating a pet-friendly home

You have decided to look after a pet of your very own, and you are eager to get to know a new addition. However, before you bring her into your life, you will need to get your home ready for her arrival. How can you create a pet-friendly home?

Your little fur ball needs to be able to roam around your home, so you will need to make sure this is a safe place where she can meet her needs. Take a good look around so you will be able to identify and remove hazards from her reach, like things she can choke on, accidentally ingest, get stuck in, or otherwise harm herself with. Be sure to bring some pet supplies into your home so she can take care of herself in this space and so you will have what is needed to look after her properly. Your local pet clinic Newmarket, ON can offer additional suggestions.