Friday 1 April 2022

Relationships And Cognition In Cats


Some people think that cats are snob animals and do not enjoy being with humans. Most people believe that cats that have been domesticated are those who tend to spend more time alone.

However, this is not true. Cats have good social cognition. Some people just misunderstand felines because they are not given a chance to prove themselves. Experts have studied cat behavior, and here are some of their findings:

      Cats are brilliant. Especially those that are domesticated, cats apply their predatory skills in their everyday life.

      Cats have strong and sensitive senses. These animals can detect movements and danger and can therefore prepare early.

You may not observe these skills among your felines, but they sure are special in their ways. Just give them a chance to prove themselves and be part of your exciting life. Be that supportive fur parent your cats deserve.

A sudden change in your pet’s health and/or behavior should warrant a visit to your animal hospital Louisville, KY. Visit their website to know more about their services.

Does Your Puppy’s Weight Matter When Choosing Quality Pet Food?


Are you still in the search for the best food brand for your dogs? This task may be one of the most challenging parts of being a pet owner. Identifying which brand is suitable for your beloved pets is hard because of the wide variety of dog foods available in today’s market. 

Thus, be smart in making your decision. One factor you must consider is the size of your dogs. This element has an impact on which dog food you should choose.

Here are some details you need to also keep in mind in choosing the right food for your pooches:

      The food should be specific to the size of your pups. For example, when your dogs are big, you should feed them with a large breed of puppy food.

      Dogs grow at varying rates depending on their breed.

Consider all these factors to choose the appropriate dry or wet food for your pups.

Your vet Louisville, KY is a valuable source of information about your pet's diet and nutritional needs. Click here to know more.

How To Determine If Your Cat Is Fat Or Just Fluffy


Cats' sizes and shapes are different from each other. Thus, it can get confusing to determine whether your fur baby is overweight or she's only larger than average. Here are ways to do it.

●Touch your cat, and if you can easily feel her ribs, she's not obese.

●Short-haired cats' ribs mustn't be visible, but you must feel it when you touch that part.

●Look down at her. You're not supposed to spot what seems to be a waist where her body narrows before her hind legs.

●Look on the side. Her abdomen must slightly tuck up in front of her back legs. Many felines have these flank skin folds hanging down, but these mustn't sway while the cats walk.

It may be true that most cats enjoy the day eating kibbles. Nevertheless, following a planned meal is better than putting her under a free-feeding diet plan.

Work with your veterinarian Louisville, KY in creating a weight loss program for your pet. Read more here.

Poor Hygiene Is An Important Predisposing Factor Of Illness In Pocket Pets


Poor hygiene is one of the top factors of many pocket pets' illnesses. For instance, seldom cage cleaning may damage your pet's respiratory passage. It's because ammonia builds up from urine. Then, your pet inhales the respiratory passage-damaging ammonia. With a damaged breathing passage, the animal becomes more likely to acquire health problems. Follow these hygiene tips to avoid this:


●Clean your pets' cage or enclosure daily to eliminate leftover food and waste materials.

●Keep your pets' shelters dry and clean.

●Use mild bleach in washing the cages. Dry the enclosures thoroughly before adding new layers of pet bedding.

●You may place a towel-wrapped heating pad under the cage to keep your pets warm during cold weather. Just be sure that you set the heat pad to "low."


If your pet is showing any signs of illness, make an appointment with your animal hospital Louisville, KY.

Protecting A Stray Cat From The Freezing Cold


Harsh weather makes stray cats suffer. Several stray cats die of cold and hunger due to the lack of sufficient food and a proper place to shelter them during the winter. As a cat lover, you may want to protect stray cats during this time of the year. Well, you can install a cat door in your house's garage. Be sure to consider some essential tips before doing that.

In setting up a cat door, ensure that your garage is cat-proof, meaning it's free from toxic substances that may harm cats. Remove any traces of antifreeze and such chemicals that other felines may ingest. Lastly, keep your lawn materials and garden products in a locked cabinet.

Also, consider the possible ways through which other animals may sneak into your house. Some small dogs or raccoons may get inside and stay because of the cats' food.

Signs of hypothermia exhibited by a cat should warrant an immediate visit to the nearest animal hospital Ellicott City MD.

How To Distinguish Between Female And Male Degus


A Degu’s lifespan is typically between 5 and 9 years.  These are very social animals so do not keep just one.  The recommendation is to keep at least two Degus, more if possible, so that a family structure can be promoted.  But do not pair a female degu with a male degu because then they would be prone to fights.  In their natural habitats, Degus live with large family units like prairie dogs would in complex systems of tunnels beneath the earth.  Degus naturally love to explore, dig, and climb around their environment.

Oftentimes, it is difficult to distinguish between female and male Degus from each other, so, awkwardness ensues.  There are instances where Degu owners think they have two male Degus, then weeks later discover that one of the pair is female.  Like most other small rodents, the female of the species could get pregnant again even just after they give birth.  Therefore, if one morning you see baby Degus in the enclosure, separate your adult pets from each other to prevent additional pregnancies.  If breeding Degus is something that you want to do, check with your vet Covington, GA to make sure that your pet is healthy for this.

Winter Pet Safety Tips

Winter may be perfect for building snowmen every day and curling up by the fireplace every night, but it's also a challenging time for "Fidos and Fluffies." In places that tend to snow and get too cold, pets who weren't made for such environments can be in danger. Some products used by people during winter are poisonous, so follow these safety measures:

●Watch out for automotive fluids like windshield washers and antifreeze products. Keep them out during outdoor walks. Likewise, keep canines away from the garage. As per ASCPA's advice, choose propylene glycol over ethylene glycol.

●Wipe your pets' paws free of de-icing products. It can get onto the paws and have your pets lick it. Snow and encrusted ice can also make paw pads bleed. Thus, put booties on your pets before walking them in de-iced areas only. Wipe their paws, stomach, and legs before and after going out.

Your local veterinarian Coral Springs, FL can enlighten you about important health issues that can affect your pet.