Friday 1 April 2022

How To Distinguish Between Female And Male Degus


A Degu’s lifespan is typically between 5 and 9 years.  These are very social animals so do not keep just one.  The recommendation is to keep at least two Degus, more if possible, so that a family structure can be promoted.  But do not pair a female degu with a male degu because then they would be prone to fights.  In their natural habitats, Degus live with large family units like prairie dogs would in complex systems of tunnels beneath the earth.  Degus naturally love to explore, dig, and climb around their environment.

Oftentimes, it is difficult to distinguish between female and male Degus from each other, so, awkwardness ensues.  There are instances where Degu owners think they have two male Degus, then weeks later discover that one of the pair is female.  Like most other small rodents, the female of the species could get pregnant again even just after they give birth.  Therefore, if one morning you see baby Degus in the enclosure, separate your adult pets from each other to prevent additional pregnancies.  If breeding Degus is something that you want to do, check with your vet Covington, GA to make sure that your pet is healthy for this.

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