Wednesday 20 April 2022

Why Should Dogs Eat Specific Pet Foods?

Why do dogs need dog-specific foods instead of just the typical human foods? After all, they're omnivores, too. Here's why:

●Weight management

The right amount of dog food can provide the normal calorie amounts (25-30 calories every pound). For instance, a 10 pounds Chihuahua must eat 250-300 calories daily, while a 70 pound Lab must get the same calorie amounts for humans (7,150-2,100).

●Vitamins and minerals

Dogs and humans both get vitamins from foods, but our needs are different. Some nutritions needed by dogs can only be given by dog foods. For instance, specific amounts of taurine make their heart and eyes healthy.

●Proper nutrition

Nutritional deficiency may cause either obesity or malnutrition. Dog foods, since they're made for dogs, are balanced and can therefore give them proper nutrition. 


Sometimes, dogs can't just digest foods not made for them. It may cause mild farts, diarrhea, vomiting, and anything worse. Some human foods are toxic for dogs, so before you give them your food, be sure it's safe.

Your pet’s diet is one of the important concerns that you should discuss with your veterinarian Lakewood Ranch, FL during your pet's health and wellness checks. Learn more here.

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