Saturday 30 April 2022

How To Keep Your Turtle’s Shell Clean


In most cases, turtles live in water. So, if you decide to bring home one to be your pet, be sure to ready a huge tank where you can place him. Your turtle may also need an area to stay and linger and to get off the water once in a while. The same tank can also serve as your turtle’s drinking pot and soaking bowl.

Now, you may wonder about the temperature of your turtle’s water tank. Is there any recommendation? Yes, there is. 

Keep in mind that the water temperature depends on the kind of turtle you have. If you are not familiar yet with it, ask your vet. If you have the common red-eared slider turtle, the water must be kept at a temperature of mid-to-low-70s°F.

You must install a water heater in the tank of your turtles if you live in a cold area. You should also use a filtering system that maintains the water tank clean and free from any debris.

Regularly clean the tank and change the water to keep your turtles healthy and happy.

Any sign of illness exhibited by your pet should require a visit to your veterinary health center Wichita, KS for proper medical attention.

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