Friday 27 January 2023

Why Do Cats Spray?

Cats can be very independent, solitary, and territorial creatures. They like having a space purely for their own. Cat spraying can be a way to communicate a “Keep away!” sign that can discourage other cats from invading their space and taking their things. It can happen in households with more than one cat, but indoor cats would also resort to cat spraying to fend off outdoor cats in the neighborhood that are being seen as a threat to their territory.

Cat spraying is also a way to attract mates in the environment. When they turn six months old and reach sexual maturity, female cats may engage in spraying, but intact males tend to do it more often. This is common with outdoor cats but can pose some problems if an indoor male cat is urine spraying.

Stress can also be a factor in cat spraying. Anything that disturbs the predictability of their environment can encourage cat spraying. Lessening the reasons for stress can also lessen the possibility of spraying despite other mentioned reasons.

If your pet’s spray-marking behavior bothers you, it is a good idea to talk to your vets Burlington, ON about it.

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