Wednesday 15 February 2023

Catnip and Cats

Catnip causes cats to have a behavior change. The strong scent it releases means that catnip should be kept in a sealed container so that it wouldn’t be easily accessed by pets or cause unwanted changes. The felines smell the oils in the plant, which makes them act differently for 10 minutes. The effects would wear off slowly, and it could take 30 more minutes for cats to be influenced by the smell again. 

Catnip is not for every cat nor is it effective for all cats. Research shows that catnip could affect only 60% of cats. Kittens less than a year old might not have any reactions to the plant and some cats might not have the genetics that makes them susceptible to catnip. Some cats can develop sensitivity towards catnip, but cat owners can also consider silver wine as a catnip substitute.

Make an appointment with your local vets London, ON if you have any concerns about your pet’s behavior.

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