Tuesday 14 February 2023

Why Cats Need Taurine

During the 1980s, taurine was discovered to be a necessary amino acid in a cat's diet. Since taurine cannot be produced naturally by a cat’s body and can only be in animal-based proteins, like beef and chicken, cat foods began to include taurine as a supplement.

What kind of effects does taurine have on cats? Taurine helps cats to have better vision and digestion. It is also needed for cats’ heart muscles and immune systems to function efficiently. The amino acid can also provide benefits for the development of a fetus and a healthy pregnancy.

 A cat’s daily diet should have taurine because they tend to quickly metabolize taurine. Different kinds of cat food offer different amounts of taurine. Wet food tends to have higher levels of taurine because the manufacturing process of dry food has heat that breaks down taurine.

Do consult your veterinarians London, ON before making any changes to your pet's diet. 

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