Tuesday 27 October 2020

Portion Control Can Help Your Cat Stay At An Ideal Weight


Cats that gain too much bodyweight are at risk of developing serious health issues. In most cases, pet owners are to blame for their pets becoming obese or overweight. Your pet’s lifestyle would depend on how much you feed your cat, how you feed them, and if you manage to give them ample amounts of exercise. Observe portion control for each meal serving and avoid overindulging them in treats.

Historically speaking, cats hunt for their food and prey on other animals in the wilderness. They are true carnivores whose eating habits revolve around hunting for prey. After a successful hunt, cats observe fasting until they need to search for food again.

Two meals in a day would suffice for your adult cat’s daily caloric intake; one meal in the morning and the other for its evening meal. Another way to serve their rations is to divide them into small meals. But you have to ensure that the small meals are given at specific times throughout the course of the day and given at regular intervals. Observing portion control is your best option to manage your pet’s weight and keep them more fit and active. This could also prevent sudden energy bursts and energy drains.

It’s best to discuss weight loss and exercise plans for your pet with your veterinarian care Kerrville TX.

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