Thursday 4 March 2021

Exotic Pets Ideal For Apartment Living


animal hospital Cherry Hill NJ

Apartment living means that space is limited for pets. This, however, should not hold you back from acquiring exotic pets because some of them can prosper even in cramped and small spaces.  Exotics are great because you do not have to take them out for walks in who knows what weather just to meet exercise requirements.  If you do want to share your home and your life with exotic pets, first check with the building manager or main homeowner for permission.  Check the contract as well if there are any clauses against having pets in the apartment building. There are quite the popular exotics that might prosper in apartments.  A couple of them are listed below:


Ferrets can be very lively. They like to play with others of their own kind and their human caretakers.  As they are active at night, ferrets tend to sleep in the daytime with the peak of their activity at dawn and dusk.  Ferrets are intelligent enough to learn how to use a litter box.  They can make do with an enclosure spacious enough so that they can behave naturally. If let outside the enclosure, be sure that the apartment or the room has been made ferret-proof so your pet is protected from the possible house dangers and from escape.


If you want to keep a hamster, expose it to being handled while still very young. This will allow the hamster to be docile enough as they mature into adulthood.  Dwarf hamsters and Syrian hamsters are two of the most common kinds to keep as pets.  Syrian hamsters are solitary creatures and must be kept as individuals per cage, while the dwarf hamster is a social animal.

Take your pet to an animal hospital Cherry Hill, NJ for perioding wellness checks from the vet.  You can click this link for more information.

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