Monday 24 May 2021

Tips To Help Minimize Shedding In Dogs


There are some dog breeds that shed very little or none at all. Also, some breeds may end up completely covering your house in their fur. This might be annoying and bothersome, most especially if the dog happens to shed all year round.

Completely stopping a dog from shedding is not possible, therefore, it is recommended that you employ some helpful habits that help cut down the shedding problem to a more manageable level.

Grooming Regularly

Brushing your pet dog's fur regularly is the prime method of shedding control. With brushing, you get to remove all your pet’s dead fur which normally falls off onto your furniture. How often you brush your pet will depend on how much your pet sheds. It may be once per week or perhaps even daily. The more times you brush your pet, the less shed fur you’ll notice around your home. The recommendation is to lay down an old blanket or a tarp before bruising your dog so that the cleanup will be easier.

Diet Monitoring

Just as humans need a healthy diet, so does your pet dog. Ensure that you purchase high-quality dog food made using healthy ingredients. Try to avoid food items that have soy and corn fillers. Diets that have high levels of healthy fats and proteins will aid in improving your pet dog's coat and reduce shedding.

Any skin and/or hair coat issue exhibited by your pet should warrant an appointment with your veterinary clinic Raleigh, NC. Learn more here.

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