Saturday 4 December 2021

Personalities And Behaviors Of Blue & Gold Macaws

Keeping a pet blue & gold macaw could be lots of fun.  These birds have great behaviors and have amazing personalities.  If properly trained, they could be vocal about what it is they want, like snacks and crackers, or if they want scratches.  It is essential that you learn about the behavior of this macaw if you plan to keep one.  With these birds, you will know when you can play or touch them and when not to.  In most instances, the bird will fluff its feathers out, perhaps even scream to warn you not to approach.

But when these macaws are feeling playful, if the bird is properly trained, it will rub its head against its keeper and might even offer a kiss.  There are various kinds of pet birds that might suit you.  There are people who would instead have small birds like parakeets or finches.  But if larger birds are your thing, then getting a blue & gold macaw might be worth it.  These birds are playful, beautiful, full of personalities, and are very trainable.  They are also quite long-lived if properly cared for.  Do remember that if you plan to get this bird, try to do so when the individual is about 6 months old.  This is because after your pet macaw sets its ways, changing them could be quite difficult.

Any sign of illness exhibited by your pet should require a visit to your veterinary clinic Derby for proper medical attention.

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