Showing posts with label animal hospital roanoke va. Show all posts
Showing posts with label animal hospital roanoke va. Show all posts

Friday 23 December 2022

Flea Spray Products For Cats

Flea or tick infestation is not a new thing among household pets including cats. No matter how hard you try to keep her from being infected with these pests, this is somehow inevitable. Different factors may cause pest infestation, but the good news is, a lot of methods and medications are available to resolve this issue.

One common practice in preventing flea and tick infection in your cat is to use flea sprays. Flea sprays are readily available in most pet stores and experts swear by their efficiency. Aside from the previously mentioned benefits, these products are also economical and easy to use. Most flea sprays are non-toxic and safe for the environment as well.

Consult with your vet if you notice any signs of flea infestation in your cat. The vet Roanoke, VA is still the best person to provide recommendations as to the proper treatment that can be used on your cat. Visit this website to know more.

Letting Your Dog Sniff The Great Outdoors

Spring has arrived! Time to get out and enjoy some entertaining springtime activities with your animal companion after that winter hibernation.

Take your dog outside and allow it to explore fully. For your furry pet, a decompression stroll is remarkably enriching because this lets them use their nose and exposes them to a ton of scent data.

These strolls are great for older pet dogs or those that cannot move quickly or as distant as they once could. A slow walk lets them meander rather than move at a faster pace. Allow your dog to bury their face and sniff the new grass for as long as possible. Adding a long stick to your pet's harness will allow them to explore the green meadows and track any scents they encounter. These walks will be even more entertaining as the pups connect safely to you through the leash.

Make sure that your pet’s preventatives and vaccines are up to date before outdoor excursions. Call your animal clinic Roanoke, VA for information. 

Thursday 21 July 2022

Buying A Cat: Important Information You Should Know


In this world of uncertainty, we always have this intuition to seek knowledge. That is the main reason why breeders and animal rescuers established standards against adopters and purchasers. 

Now, you should know that these people tend to ask for pieces of personal information about you and your lifestyle. What are the reasons behind this curiosity by breeders and rescuers?

First, they want to see if you can match your cat’s needs–

  • Love
  • Affection
  • Commitment
  • Time
  • Resources

Second, having approval from the entire family to have this feline is expected of them.

Third, they are checking if you have a veterinarian who can provide check-ups. 

Lastly, they want to reassure themselves that the safety of the cat is your utmost priority.

Cats are mostly injected with microchips so that the possibility of her being lost is low and reuniting with her is easily is high.

Make an appointment with your veterinary hospital Roanoke, VA if you have any concerns about your pet’s health and/or behavior.

Saturday 23 April 2022

Is Honey Safe For Dogs?


Honey, if given in moderation, can be safe for dogs. Raw honey gives antibacterial and anti-inflammatory benefits, which help in healing wounds. In fact, vets recommend clinical-grade honey to heal injuries/wounds faster. Furthermore, an extensive study compares Manuka with clinical-grade honey to treat dog wounds and infections. Honey also helps with hot spots and dry skin.

Topical applications are also made, but your dog would need to endure it in the meantime and not lick the honey in his body. There are also other anecdotal benefits of honey to dogs' health. For one, it's said to help control seasonal allergies and soothe sore throats, among many others. In addition to that, some vets have been using honey to help with kennel cough. Despite these things mentioned, remember to talk to a veterinarian Roanoke, VA first before deciding to try a medical plan to treat a sore throat or make your dog immune to pollen.

Are You Bothered By Your Cat’s Spraying Habits?


Spraying is something you should expect from your cat, as it is the animal's way of laying claim to the spaces that it shares with you. But while the idea of your pet marking its territory is endearing, the resulting smell is not. Who wants to use furniture that smells like cat urine?

It's part of a cat's instinct, but that doesn't mean you can't shape your animal's behavior. Having a good grasp of your cat's personality will allow you to discourage and encourage certain acts. You can also use medicines prescribed by the vet if applicable.

Identify what's making your cat engage in this behavior. Spraying is common among male cats that are yet to undergo neutering surgery. If your cat had already gone through the knife, there must be an external factor triggering the spraying habit. It could be another animal.

You can also restrict that cat's movement by placing it in a room large enough that it can still have enough exercise. If you're planning to get a new pet, don't force the two to mingle on the first day. Your cat being territorial will intensify its desire to mark every inch of your house with its urine.

If your pet’s spray marking behavior bothers you, it is a good idea to talk to your veterinarian Roanoke, VA about it.

Sunday 9 January 2022

Tips To Keep Your Cat’s Mouth Clean

Various simple options exist for maintaining the oral health of your pet cat. But if your pet cat is resisting your efforts, you could always set an appointment with your veterinarian for your pet's yearly professional cleaning. Periodontal disease develops gradually below gum lines even if the teeth seem clean and white. This condition can be identified and prevented by having dental cleanings at the vet, so schedule these regularly. Dental cleaning is performed while the pet is under a general anesthetic. This allows your vet the opportunity to remove calculus and plaque. Your vet will also polish your pet’s teeth and will perform a thorough oral checkup that will include inspections below the gumline. This also offers your vet the opportunity to clean your pet’s gums, removing bacteria. Your vet might also conduct other procedures like x-rays to properly diagnose dental problems. Remember that elderly cats might require more frequent teeth cleaning.

Make an appointment at your animal hospital Roanoke, VA for your pet’s health and dental checks.

Tuesday 30 March 2021

Seizures In Dogs: What To Do And Not To Do

 Different Types of Seizures in Dogs | Memphis Vets | Animal Emergency Center

Dog owners must know the do’s and don’ts should their pet dog have a seizure.  A seizing dog could be something scary to see.  Below are useful items to keep in mind when you see a dog seizing:

Keep calm.  If you start panicking, you will not think rationally and clearly.  Even if you see your pet looking like he is suffering, your dog is actually unconscious, meaning he does not know that he himself is seizing and is not in pain.

●Avoid getting near the seizing dog.  Do not believe in tall tales of pet dogs that swallow their own tongues when seizing.  Do not put any object, most especially your hand inside the dog’s mouth.

●Keep kids and other pets away from the seizing pet.  Kids and other pets might get nervous or scared of what is happening and there is no way to know what their reaction will be.  There are cases where the seizing dog gets attacked by the other pets.

●Time the seizure on how long it lasts.  This is important information that your vet will need when you get your pet over to the animal clinic.

●Be vigilant.  If your reflexes are good, you may be able to record a video of the seizing pet so that the vet can view it.

●Protect the seizing animal by gently pulling him by his rear legs to move him away from sharp objects and/or stairways, among others.

Call your animal hospital Roanoke, VA is your dog has had a seizure so the staff can instruct you on what to do.

Tuesday 9 February 2021

Disaster Preparedness Guidelines for Pet Owners


veterinarian Roanoke VA

Disasters and emergencies are inevitable occurrences. They are unexpected and happen in many forms. Some of these unforeseen situations may require us to leave our home for a brief period and sometimes to evacuate permanently. Each event may call for specific and immediate actions to take to keep you and your pets safe. The best thing to do is to prepare your pets and yourself if these situations may happen. Here are some guidelines to prepare you for disasters and emergencies and to keep you and your pets safe.

       Arrange a shelter for your pet. In the event of an evacuation, your pet must also have a shelter to go to. Never leave your pets behind. Always keep in mind, if it is not safe for you, it is not safe for your pet as well. They can be trapped or can wander and can put their lives in danger. Not all evacuation centers accept animals so it is needed to arrange for shelter beforehand where your pet can be safe until the disaster has passed and it’s safe to return home.

       Inquire in your community animal facility if they offer emergency shelter or foster care for pets.

       Determine what hotels or inns in nearby towns or cities will accept pets.

       Ask your relatives or friends out of your area of disaster if they can accept and care for your pet for a while.

You can also ask your veterinarian Roanoke, VA for recommended lodging kennels and shelters in your area.

Wednesday 11 November 2020

Keeping Your Pet Safe When Applying Pest Control


To keep homes and gardens pest-free, many pet owners apply pest control techniques that could have a bad impact on their pets. Pest control products may be sprayed, laid as traps, or sprinkled as bait in areas that could be easily accessed by pets. Before applying pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, etc. it is important that you make sure the products won’t cause any adverse effects on your pet. Even when you hire professional pest control companies, it is always good to ask about the safety of using any product around the pets. Most liquid products tend to be safe after they have dried, but it’s always better to be safe than sorry. Before pesticides are applied on your lawn or garden, make sure that your pet is confined indoors so it won’t have any access to the area until the pesticide has dried completely. 

Call your animal hospital Roanoke, VA immediately if your pet has been exposed to pesticides even if he is not showing any signs of toxicity.

Friday 7 August 2020

Rabies Vaccination for Dogs


Rabies is a viral disease that is highly lethal to many animals. A bite or (usually) a scratch can transmit the virus easily, for instance, from a pet or animal (like raccoons, skunks, foxes, bats) to other animals or humans. Rabies can also be picked up when, for instance, the saliva of a rabid dog gets in touch with the mouth, nose, or eyes of a dog that is susceptible.

Humans are more likely to get rabies from dogs than other animals because dogs are common pets and many have established dog-human relationships. Rabies can be prevented but there is no known cure for rabies. Once symptoms like fever, tingling at the site of exposure, confusion, fear of water, the disease is known to progress rapidly and can eventually bring about death in the affected animal or person. The best way to prevent rabies is for people, pet owners, and their pets to get a vaccination for rabies. Ask your vet Roanoke VA about your pet’s rabies vaccination.

Wednesday 10 June 2020

Where your dog wants to spend his time

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Your dog is a wonderful part of your family and you know that she enjoys being in your home along with you. However, you also know that she will have her own favorite areas to spend time in. where are these likely to be?

Your pet is a creature of habit and will want to take the time to enjoy herself in areas that are familiar to her. She will seek out areas where she has good memories as well as where she can find fun ways to occupy her time. These will likely be where she can meet her needs as well as where she can enjoy herself by your side. She will also enjoy spending time outside where she can feel both safe and secure while also checking out the world around her. For additional information, please contact your local pet clinic Roanoke VA.

Tuesday 5 November 2019

Is Your Dog Scared To Go Outdoors?

Outdoor excursions are daily highlights that most dogs look forward to. There are a lot of things to explore in the great outdoors that dogs find physically and mentally stimulating. However, some dogs are scared to go outdoors because of bad experiences they may have encountered. If your dog has suddenly developed a fear of being outdoors, you should take steps to identify what is causing him to behave this way. There is a need to get down to the root of the problem so it can be addressed appropriately. Fears of the outdoors may be sudden in onset or long-standing fears. The latter is usually observed in older rescue dogs. Puppies can be anxious and nervous when outdoors especially when the place is strange and unfamiliar.When going on outdoor excursions with your canine buddy, always be alert for any verbal cues or body language that indicates fear or anxiety.

Sudden changes in your pet’s health and/or behavior should be brought to the attention of your vets Roanoke, VA.

Tuesday 3 July 2018

Walking Your Dog on the Road

Lots of dog owners will walk their dogs on the roadways if there isn’t a sidewalk available. Roadways may include streets in neighborhoods, small-town roads, or even busy highways. It’s best if you do not walk your dog on a busy road whether it’s small town, rural, or in a busy city. Cars, cyclists, and others use the roadway may not see you. It’s also best to avoid winding roads or roadways with hills as there’s less visibility. Consider driving a short distance to a place where you can walk your dog on a sidewalk, trail or in a dog safe area. If you do walk on the roadway with your pup, walk against traffic. Wear visible clothing. Keep your dog close. Use a reflective leash and harness. Your vet Roanoke, VA may suggest walking at the least active times of the day for traffic.

Monday 16 April 2018

Protecting Your Cat from Spiders

Your cat can become very ill if she runs into a dangerous spider. She may not be able to resist the creeping movement of a spider.Thus your cat will pounce and possibly try to eat the spider. The spider could bite your cat too. This is especially dangerous if your cat tussles with a venomous spider. Your cat could experience symptoms of a venomous spider bite such as paralysis, muscle tremors, pain, and trouble breathing. If you see your cat experiences these symptoms, seek medical attention immediately. Your cat may vomit, or suffer from diarrhea and excessive salivation if she eats a non-venomous spider. It is difficult to identify spiders so seek medical attention if there are any symptoms. Clear away any spiders and their webs in your home. Seal up openings to avoid contact with spiders. Don’t allow your cat play with any spiders. Contact your Roanoke, VA vet to learn more.

Basic Guidelines to Foster a Dog

Shelter dogs need help outside the shelter environment to get them ready to go to the their forever home. That’s where fostering comes in. By having a dog in your home, he can adjust to a less clinical setting. Select the dog you feel you can best foster under the guidance of your local animal shelter or a rescue group. Ask about your responsibilities while fostering a dog especially your financial obligations. Examine your household environment and routine to determine whether a foster dog will thrive there.When selecting a foster dog, consider the size, temperament and breed. Consider any resident pets and how a foster dog will affect them. Ask about behavior issues, fears or special needs. When you bring a foster dog home, establish a routine. Work on obedience training.Schedule time for exercise and play sessions with your foster dog. Most importantly, be patient and kind. Learn more about Roanoke VA pet clinic.