Showing posts with label vets roanoke va. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vets roanoke va. Show all posts

Saturday 11 June 2022

Typical Behaviors Of Male Dogs


It is natural for a male dog to express masculine behavior if it is not neutered and is driven by testosterone (sex hormones). You can get rid of this behavior if you are petting a neutered dog.
The sex hormone in a male dog is responsible for aggressive and sexual behavior. A testosterone-driven dog will be seeking a female in heat and will show distinctive behaviors. Moreover, the male dogs also claim territory by spraying urine and marking the area to show their dominance. 

All these behaviors are the expression of masculinity. However, it has been observed that some neutered dogs still keep on showing aggressiveness. If you are already petting a neutered one and still facing such issues, it's time to consider environmental factors. Keep an eye on your pet’s behavior and you will find out the particular factor that makes him aggressive. 

Your vets Roanoke VA can enlighten you about important health issues that can affect your pet.

Thursday 14 January 2021

Teaching Your Dog To Sit


Making sure that your dog is properly trained is very important. This isn't just about manners: it's also a matter of safety. The most important commands to teach your pooch are Sit, Stay, Come, Heel, and Lay Down. It's usually easiest to start with Sit.

To get started, you’ll need a treat. Hold it over your dog's head, and move it backward. He'll probably naturally sit down, just so he can keep his eye on the prize. Tell him to 'Sit' and then give him his snack. It doesn't matter that you're telling your dog to ‘Sit’ once he's already sitting. The key is to make him form an association between the desired behavior (sitting) and something positive (bacon).

Be patient, and just keep repeating the command. Sooner or later, your pooch will figure it out!

Your vet Roanoke VA can give you more information and tips about training your dog. Call anytime!

Wednesday 11 November 2020

Keeping Your Pet Safe When Applying Pest Control


To keep homes and gardens pest-free, many pet owners apply pest control techniques that could have a bad impact on their pets. Pest control products may be sprayed, laid as traps, or sprinkled as bait in areas that could be easily accessed by pets. Before applying pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, etc. it is important that you make sure the products won’t cause any adverse effects on your pet. Even when you hire professional pest control companies, it is always good to ask about the safety of using any product around the pets. Most liquid products tend to be safe after they have dried, but it’s always better to be safe than sorry. Before pesticides are applied on your lawn or garden, make sure that your pet is confined indoors so it won’t have any access to the area until the pesticide has dried completely. 

Call your animal hospital Roanoke, VA immediately if your pet has been exposed to pesticides even if he is not showing any signs of toxicity.

Wednesday 15 July 2020

Keeping Your Diabetic Dog Active

Did you know that one of the consequences of poor weight management in pets is diabetes? Keeping a close eye on your pet’s weight and making sure that it stays within healthy limits is one way to prevent diabetes. If your overweight or obese dog has been diagnosed with diabetes, make sure that you include lots of physical activities in his daily routine. This will make it easier for him to shed the excess weight. He will be burning extra calories by mobilizing body glucose that would have otherwise contributed to his diabetes. Exercise is also a great way to help regulate your dog’s glucose levels throughout the day. Be sure to work closely with your animal hospital Roanoke VA in helping your dog lose weight in a healthy manner while managing your pet’s diabetes.

Thursday 5 December 2019

Teaching your dog to interact with others

You have a dog in your life who needs to be able to understand the world around her in a comfortable way. This will involve interacting with others, which can take some getting used to. Your little fur ball needs you to make a point to teach her how to get along well and make some friends.

To make this happen, you will need to train her so she is well aware of what is acceptable behavior and what isn’t. This means that you will be taking the time to think about what you can teach her to help her stay safe and keep those around her out of harm’s way too. Your pet will need you to offer plenty of supervision and guidance as well. Your local animal hospital Roanoke, VA can help you care for your pet. Visit this site for more information.

Tuesday 5 November 2019

Is Your Dog Scared To Go Outdoors?

Outdoor excursions are daily highlights that most dogs look forward to. There are a lot of things to explore in the great outdoors that dogs find physically and mentally stimulating. However, some dogs are scared to go outdoors because of bad experiences they may have encountered. If your dog has suddenly developed a fear of being outdoors, you should take steps to identify what is causing him to behave this way. There is a need to get down to the root of the problem so it can be addressed appropriately. Fears of the outdoors may be sudden in onset or long-standing fears. The latter is usually observed in older rescue dogs. Puppies can be anxious and nervous when outdoors especially when the place is strange and unfamiliar.When going on outdoor excursions with your canine buddy, always be alert for any verbal cues or body language that indicates fear or anxiety.

Sudden changes in your pet’s health and/or behavior should be brought to the attention of your vets Roanoke, VA.

Saturday 1 June 2019

Pain Management Tips For Dogs

There is a wide range of pain management solutions that are used in dogs. While there are pet owners who give human pain medications to their pets, this is not advisable because most of these medications are not safe for use in pets. You should first consult a veterinarian before giving any human medication to your pet. The most common painkillers that are frequently prescribed for pets include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and opiate painkillers. Drugs that are used for pain medication in pets should only be used under a veterinarian’s supervision because of their potentially serious side effects and drug compatibility reactions. In addition to medications, there are also supportive pain management protocols such as physical therapy, massage, and warm compress. Acupuncture and acupressure have also been shown to give favorable results. There are also glucosamine preparations that can be administered for specific types of pain. You can also ask your veterinarian Roanoke, VA about the latest technology for pain management in pets such stem cell therapy, laser therapy, and extracorporeal shock wave therapy.

Friday 14 September 2018

Playtime and your feline friend

Your cat is a big part of your life and you love her dearly. How can you make sure playtime is a fun experience for her?

Your pet may want to have some fun at various times throughout the day, so make sure you have some toys out for her to entertain herself with. Try to sync up your time with her to one of the times when she feels like being active. This will help you two naturally begin to interact. A lot of the activities your pet enjoys will mimic hunting and involve her natural instincts, so take the time to bring these into your playtime as often as you can. Try to give her your whole focus while interacting so you can both engage in the activity. For additional information, please contact your local vet Roanoke, VA.