Showing posts with label vet roanoke va. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vet roanoke va. Show all posts

Thursday 21 July 2022

Buying A Cat: Important Information You Should Know


In this world of uncertainty, we always have this intuition to seek knowledge. That is the main reason why breeders and animal rescuers established standards against adopters and purchasers. 

Now, you should know that these people tend to ask for pieces of personal information about you and your lifestyle. What are the reasons behind this curiosity by breeders and rescuers?

First, they want to see if you can match your cat’s needs–

  • Love
  • Affection
  • Commitment
  • Time
  • Resources

Second, having approval from the entire family to have this feline is expected of them.

Third, they are checking if you have a veterinarian who can provide check-ups. 

Lastly, they want to reassure themselves that the safety of the cat is your utmost priority.

Cats are mostly injected with microchips so that the possibility of her being lost is low and reuniting with her is easily is high.

Make an appointment with your veterinary hospital Roanoke, VA if you have any concerns about your pet’s health and/or behavior.

Wednesday 12 May 2021

Gingivitis in Dogs Like the German Shepherd


vet Roanoke, VA

Did you know that gingivitis is not just a dental disease associated with people, but it can also affect canines and felines and other animals? If your German Shepherd has bad breath or is having trouble chewing or eating then give your vet a call to schedule an exam. Your pup may have gingivitis or he could be developing an illness. Your vet should be able to find out the root of the trouble. Generally, gingivitis will also cause inflammation and irritation to the gums. It occurs when plaque or food and debris builds up on the gums. Advanced gingivitis occurs when plaque plus a calculus build up is present on the gums causing severe redness, irritation, and inflammation. Plaque (or food build-up) is not always present at the beginning stages, but can appear if action is not taken. Call your vet Roanoke, VA to learn more. 

Thursday 14 January 2021

Teaching Your Dog To Sit


Making sure that your dog is properly trained is very important. This isn't just about manners: it's also a matter of safety. The most important commands to teach your pooch are Sit, Stay, Come, Heel, and Lay Down. It's usually easiest to start with Sit.

To get started, you’ll need a treat. Hold it over your dog's head, and move it backward. He'll probably naturally sit down, just so he can keep his eye on the prize. Tell him to 'Sit' and then give him his snack. It doesn't matter that you're telling your dog to ‘Sit’ once he's already sitting. The key is to make him form an association between the desired behavior (sitting) and something positive (bacon).

Be patient, and just keep repeating the command. Sooner or later, your pooch will figure it out!

Your vet Roanoke VA can give you more information and tips about training your dog. Call anytime!

Tuesday 10 November 2020

Suggested Pets for Large Families


vet Roanoke, VA

Are you in a large family? Larger families tend to have more of an option when it comes to choosing a family pet mainly because there are more people to help with the care and training of the pet and the size of the home. If you live in a large family and are looking for a pet, you may want to consider adopting a small pocket pet such as a guinea pig or hamster to start with. Once you discover how your family adapts to caring for the pet then you might have a better idea if they are ready for a larger commitment. Larger dog breeds such as the Golden Retriever and the Chocolate labs as well as other colored labs are often recommended for large families. Not only are these breeds large, but they are gentle, loyal, and love to exercise. Consult with your vet Roanoke, VA for more suggestions.

Monday 10 August 2020

Fruits and Vegetables You Can Give To Your Pet Cat


Most people are aware that cats are true carnivores like their ancestors. Having said that, cats can also find it beneficial to eat fruits and vegetables to get important nutrients lacking in their current diet. Fruits and vegetables are popularly known to improve health and well-being, and cats benefit from this too. Fruits and vegetables are great alternatives to nutrient-lacking or sugary cat treats. The following is a quick list of fruits and veggies that are great for cats:

     Zucchini-- Cats like to eat raw or cooked zucchinis. Zucchinis are rich in fiber and calories. You should not add seasoning to zucchinis that have been cooked.

     Bananas-- Cats would like the texture of healthy bananas. Bananas are a great source of magnesium, potassium, Vit. C and Vit. B6.

      Beans -- Cooked beans are excellent sources of fiber as well as proteins. Canned beans should be drained and rinsed well to remove all the preservatives.

      Apples -- Cats would love apples but don't forget to remove all the seeds.

Your Pet clinic Roanoke VA is a valuable source of information about your pet’s nutritional needs.

Friday 7 August 2020

Rabies Vaccination for Dogs


Rabies is a viral disease that is highly lethal to many animals. A bite or (usually) a scratch can transmit the virus easily, for instance, from a pet or animal (like raccoons, skunks, foxes, bats) to other animals or humans. Rabies can also be picked up when, for instance, the saliva of a rabid dog gets in touch with the mouth, nose, or eyes of a dog that is susceptible.

Humans are more likely to get rabies from dogs than other animals because dogs are common pets and many have established dog-human relationships. Rabies can be prevented but there is no known cure for rabies. Once symptoms like fever, tingling at the site of exposure, confusion, fear of water, the disease is known to progress rapidly and can eventually bring about death in the affected animal or person. The best way to prevent rabies is for people, pet owners, and their pets to get a vaccination for rabies. Ask your vet Roanoke VA about your pet’s rabies vaccination.

Monday 20 July 2020

Keeping Your Diabetic Dog Active

Did you know that one of the consequences of poor weight management in pets is diabetes? Keeping a close eye on your pet’s weight and making sure that it stays within healthy limits is one way to prevent diabetes. If your overweight or obese dog has been diagnosed with diabetes, make sure that you include lots of physical activities in his daily routine. This will make it easier for him to shed the excess weight. He will be burning extra calories by mobilizing body glucose that would have otherwise contributed to his diabetes. Exercise is also a great way to help regulate your dog’s glucose levels throughout the day. Be sure to work closely with your animal hospital Roanoke VA in helping your dog lose weight in a healthy manner while managing your pet’s diabetes.

Thursday 11 June 2020

Does your cat need a place to scratch?

Your cat needs to be able to scratch on a regular basis in order to keep her claws in good shape. You know this, so you want to offer her a place to do so. How can you choose the best option to help her meet her needs?

Your little fur ball needs to be able to find a place to scratch when she needs it, so you will likely be on the lookout for something that will fit nicely into the living areas she spends her time and in places that will be easy for her to get to. Think about her personal preferences and make a point to help her meet them by looking for a material she will find appealing with accessories that will add to the appeal of the item you bring home. Your local pet clinic Roanoke, VA can offer additional suggestions or click here to learn more.

Wednesday 10 June 2020

Where your dog wants to spend his time

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Your dog is a wonderful part of your family and you know that she enjoys being in your home along with you. However, you also know that she will have her own favorite areas to spend time in. where are these likely to be?

Your pet is a creature of habit and will want to take the time to enjoy herself in areas that are familiar to her. She will seek out areas where she has good memories as well as where she can find fun ways to occupy her time. These will likely be where she can meet her needs as well as where she can enjoy herself by your side. She will also enjoy spending time outside where she can feel both safe and secure while also checking out the world around her. For additional information, please contact your local pet clinic Roanoke VA.

Tuesday 9 June 2020

The Health of a FeLV Positive Cat Like the Bengal

Has your Bengal cat or other breed cat tested positive for FeLV? If so, make sure you talk to your vet in depth to learn and understand the affects of the disease and the health risks that your cat may be faced with due to being FeLV positive. FeLV stands for Feline Leukemia Virus. An FeLV positive cat most likely has a compromised immune system making him more likely to contract other diseases and illnesses. The FeLV virus is capable of spreading through mucus, blood, saliva, and even through mutual grooming or fighting. Due to this, your FeLV positive cat could be at risk of spreading the disease. Keep FeLV positive cats away from healthy cats to prevent the virus from spreading. You should also keep them separate to prevent your healthy cats from giving your FeLV positive cat an illness from the outside. Talk to your pet clinic Roanoke VA to learn more.

Thursday 14 May 2020

Creating a place for your dog to enjoy her time in your home

Your dog is a big part of your life and you want her to be able to enjoy her time in your home as much as she possibly can. How can you make your living space an area where this can happen?

Your little fur ball needs to be able to count on you to remove hazards from her reach and to keep her in spaces where she will be safe. This will be helpful, as she won’t be able to feel at ease if she is worried about her safety. Take the time to think about what you can do to help her feel comfortable in your care and be sure to help her meet her needs. Your pet needs you to offer her lots of love and attention as well so she can understand that she is a part of your family. Your local pet clinic Roanoke, VA can offer additional suggestions.

Wednesday 13 May 2020

Why your cat loves to look out windows

You have a cat in your life who seems glued to your windows for a portion of each day. Why is this?

Your pet is a natural predator and she is drawn to the small animals outside your home, like birds, squirrels, and chipmunks. Your windows offer her a safe place to view them from and they also give her a glimpse into the world outside your home. Since things are always changing outside, this can be a very engaging place for her to view her surroundings from. The world outside your windows may also be very different from the inside of your home, which will help to expand her knowledge of the world. This helps her to better understand her place in her environment and how others spend their time. For additional information, please contact your local pet clinic Roanoke VA.

Saturday 15 February 2020

Preparing Your Cat for a Show

Are you prepping your cat to show for the first time? It can be a little nerve racking to try and figure out how to enter a show and prepare for a show much less actually show up on show day and be where you’re supposed to be at the right time and place. Here are some tips for showing: First, consider enlisting the help of fellow cat owners and show competitors. You can learn a lot from one another and help each other out when it comes to last minute preparations. Talk with CFA members to find out about requirements and regulations. For instance, your cat will need a decorated carrier with show curtains, etc. Do you have these parts of the showcase ready? If not, talk to one of the CFA members or judges ahead of time. Do your best to prep for the show and to be on time. For assistance with paperwork, give your animal hospital Roanoke, VA a call. 

Thursday 5 December 2019

Teaching your dog to interact with others

You have a dog in your life who needs to be able to understand the world around her in a comfortable way. This will involve interacting with others, which can take some getting used to. Your little fur ball needs you to make a point to teach her how to get along well and make some friends.

To make this happen, you will need to train her so she is well aware of what is acceptable behavior and what isn’t. This means that you will be taking the time to think about what you can teach her to help her stay safe and keep those around her out of harm’s way too. Your pet will need you to offer plenty of supervision and guidance as well. Your local animal hospital Roanoke, VA can help you care for your pet. Visit this site for more information.

Tuesday 3 July 2018

Walking Your Dog on the Road

Lots of dog owners will walk their dogs on the roadways if there isn’t a sidewalk available. Roadways may include streets in neighborhoods, small-town roads, or even busy highways. It’s best if you do not walk your dog on a busy road whether it’s small town, rural, or in a busy city. Cars, cyclists, and others use the roadway may not see you. It’s also best to avoid winding roads or roadways with hills as there’s less visibility. Consider driving a short distance to a place where you can walk your dog on a sidewalk, trail or in a dog safe area. If you do walk on the roadway with your pup, walk against traffic. Wear visible clothing. Keep your dog close. Use a reflective leash and harness. Your vet Roanoke, VA may suggest walking at the least active times of the day for traffic.