Showing posts with label eye center Los Angeles CA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eye center Los Angeles CA. Show all posts

Tuesday 4 October 2022

Winter Eye Protection

Sunglasses are an eye accessory that is needed for everyday use. People often carry these or wear them during summertime when the sun is almost at its peak every day. However, do you know that even during winter, sunglasses are still important?

Yes, they are. Though it sounds strange, sunglasses are as equally relevant in winter as they are during your favorite season. “Why?” may be the first question that crossed your mind. It is because the winter sun still radiates ultraviolet (UV) rays that incur sunburns that can harm not only your skin or hair but especially the eyes.

The air quality during winter is another risk factor for winter dry eye. You can develop this eye condition when your eyes become too dry because you tend to stay indoors, get cozy, and get comfortable with heaters on all the time. You have dry eyes when your eyes feel irritated. You can keep your peepers hydrated by using humidifiers.

It is highly recommended to consult your eye center Los Angeles, CA for the best eye drops that you can use. 

Sunday 26 December 2021

Am I a Good Candidate for LASIK?

For people who experience nearsightedness or myopia, glasses and contact lenses are not the only way to obtain 20/20 vision. While glasses and contacts are effective, they don’t eliminate the root cause of myopia. LASIK eye surgery is a quick procedure that corrects the underlying issue that prevents you from seeing far away objects.

 You’re a good candidate for LASIK if you meet the following criteria:


        You don’t have certain health problems, such as uncontrolled diabetes or conditions that compromise your immune system

        You don’t have certain eye diseases or eye problems, such as severe cataracts, retinal or optic nerve diseases, lazy eye, or eye muscle imbalances

        You’re at least 18 years old

        You don’t have any eye injuries or current eye infections

        You’re not pregnant or nursing

Your optometrist will ultimately determine whether you’re a good candidate for LASIK based on your medical history and overall health. If you have more questions or would like to schedule a consultation, please feel free to call your nearest optometry clinic Los Angeles CA today. 

Wednesday 3 November 2021

Ocular Allergies


Do you or someone you know suffer from allergies? You may know that red or watery eyes are often a sign of allergies. As it turns out, ocular allergies—also called allergic conjunctivitis—is one of the most common diseases that can affect the surface of the eye.

The vast majority of cases—up to 95%, in fact—are comprised of either seasonal allergic conjunctivitis or perennial allergic conjunctivitis. Seasonal allergens, such as pollen, leaves, grass, mold, and mildew, are often the culprits. Chronic-or perennial conjunctivitis may be caused by things such as fumes or reaction to contact lenses.

Ocular allergies can affect either one eye or both. Symptoms usually include itching, redness, and/or swelling. As far as treatments go, allergy drops and/or oral allergy medications often bring relief. However, when using any eye drops, it's very important to be sure you are using the right kind.

Contact your Los Angeles, CA optometrist to learn more.

Tuesday 2 November 2021

Protecting Your Child's Eyes

Does your child spend a huge chunk of their free time playing video games? If so, you're in good company. Children can get very drawn into games and other activities. This can be hard on their eyes for a few reasons. One is that they may forget to blink, which can lead to dry eyes and eye strain. They may also be unsure or unaware of how to reduce or adjust glare, which also puts a lot of strain on the eye. Another issue is the fact that many workstations and gaming stations are made to fit adults.

Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to protect your child's vision. One is to make sure that they have a setup that is ergonomically correct. It's also a good idea to limit screen time and make sure that your little one takes regular breaks.

It's also important to teach your little one about protecting their own eyes. Talk to them about wearing sunglasses and protective eyewear.

You'll also need to take your child to your Los Angeles, CA eye clinic regularly for exams and screenings. Visit the website.

Thursday 16 September 2021

Do You Need Prescription Googles For Swimming?


An important aspect in protecting your eyes when swimming in pools is using googles. Googles serve as a good barrier in protecting your eyes from harmful chemicals in pools while also ensuring that your tear film is in good condition. You can actually get a prescription for googles.

Once you get out of the swimming pool, make sure to immediately wash your eyes with fresh water to get rid of the chlorine and other chemicals on your eyelashes and eyelids. It won’t be helpful to your eyes and vision if you decide to stay under the sun right after swimming either.

It is also important to stay hydrated, whether you’re swimming for a workout or leisure. Consuming water on your pool day can help your eyes stay moisturized and comfortable.

It’s best to be in touch with your eye doctor Los Angeles, CA if you start to feel any discomfort in your eye after your pool day. Your doctor can heal irritation of your eye and help you prevent any eye complications in the future. Click this website for more information.