Showing posts with label Eye Care Center Los Angeles CA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eye Care Center Los Angeles CA. Show all posts

Thursday 1 September 2022

Men’s Eyesight And Eye Health

Women and men vary from each other significantly. The difference does not end with the status and roles they play in society. Such a gray lining between the two begins with the physical features that make them unique.

Know that the eye conditions of women differ from those of men. The former is at risk of developing various eye diseases than the latter. But this does not mean that men do not have issues with their vision. In addition, men process visual information differently from how women perceive it.

So, how do men acquire and deal with visual information?

Generally, men can identify fine details and quick movements but cannot effectively distinguish color differences. On the other side, women are good at telling colors because of their ancient works related to foraging. Meanwhile, men were used to being hunters which made their sense of sight more sensitive to movements and details.

Any sign of an eye problem should prompt a visit to an Eye Care Center Los Angeles, CA.

Tuesday 2 August 2022

The Importance Of Eye Protection For Athletes

Do you know that eye injuries can happen to anyone – whatever your profession is or wherever you are? Yes, that is right. Your eyes may get injured if you are not careful with what you are doing or where you are. Even if you are just at home, you can still have an eye injury. If you are an outgoing or adventurous person and like playing sports, you are also at risk of having these injuries.

Can you prevent these injuries from happening? Yes, you can. Data shows that people can avoid 90% of these eye accidents when they use the right protective eye gear. So, out of the 30,000 recorded eye injuries related to sports in America, 27,000 can be averted with the simple step of following the safety measures.

 Understand that some sports have a higher risk of incurring eye injuries, including the following:





      Racket sports








You do not have to force yourself to stop loving and playing sports because of the risks that come with it. What you must do is to protect your eyes while playing using eye protection wear. There are various versions of goggles that come with varied features, including shatter-resistance and polycarbonate lenses.

Take care of your eyes with regular eye examinations at your eye care center Los Angeles, CA. 

Thursday 27 January 2022

Can The 20-20-20 Rule Prevent Eye Strain?

Your eyes might be one of the most used parts of your body every single day. You need them to do things and live your life. These days, it’s difficult to avoid using gadgets for a prolonged time because of work, school, or downtime. This is okay as long as you don’t strain your eyes too much. To help you protect them, you can use the 20-20-20 eye rule.

This rule lets you destress your eyes from using digital screens. So what should you do? Every after 20 minutes, you need to look at something located 20 feet away from you. That something can be anything — it can be a tree outside your office, a boy walking down the street, or a bird flying. For how long should you stare at it? For 20 seconds.

This rule forces you to rest your eyes in a given time — letting them breathe and rest for a while.

Optometrist Los Angeles CA are valuable resources when it comes to issues affecting your eyes.

Wednesday 3 November 2021

Ocular Allergies


Do you or someone you know suffer from allergies? You may know that red or watery eyes are often a sign of allergies. As it turns out, ocular allergies—also called allergic conjunctivitis—is one of the most common diseases that can affect the surface of the eye.

The vast majority of cases—up to 95%, in fact—are comprised of either seasonal allergic conjunctivitis or perennial allergic conjunctivitis. Seasonal allergens, such as pollen, leaves, grass, mold, and mildew, are often the culprits. Chronic-or perennial conjunctivitis may be caused by things such as fumes or reaction to contact lenses.

Ocular allergies can affect either one eye or both. Symptoms usually include itching, redness, and/or swelling. As far as treatments go, allergy drops and/or oral allergy medications often bring relief. However, when using any eye drops, it's very important to be sure you are using the right kind.

Contact your Los Angeles, CA optometrist to learn more.

Tuesday 2 November 2021

Protecting Your Child's Eyes

Does your child spend a huge chunk of their free time playing video games? If so, you're in good company. Children can get very drawn into games and other activities. This can be hard on their eyes for a few reasons. One is that they may forget to blink, which can lead to dry eyes and eye strain. They may also be unsure or unaware of how to reduce or adjust glare, which also puts a lot of strain on the eye. Another issue is the fact that many workstations and gaming stations are made to fit adults.

Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to protect your child's vision. One is to make sure that they have a setup that is ergonomically correct. It's also a good idea to limit screen time and make sure that your little one takes regular breaks.

It's also important to teach your little one about protecting their own eyes. Talk to them about wearing sunglasses and protective eyewear.

You'll also need to take your child to your Los Angeles, CA eye clinic regularly for exams and screenings. Visit the website.