Showing posts with label veterinarian london on. Show all posts
Showing posts with label veterinarian london on. Show all posts

Wednesday 16 January 2019

What to Do if Your Dog Escapes

The first thing to do if your dog escapes the house is to remain calm. Go in the direction you saw your dog escape and start looking for him. If you didn’t see your dog get out of the house, check the house first. Outside, check immediately within a 1 mile or 1 and a half kilometer radius around your home. Talk to your neighbors and post flyers immediately. Flyers should include a current photo of your dog, a description of your dog, and a phone number to reach you that way if someone spots your dog they know who to call. Notify area shelters, veterinarians, human societies, police and fire stations, etc. When you go out to search make sure you take a collar, leash, treats and water. Ask fellow searchers not to chase the dog but to call you and report the dog’s location. Talk with your veterinarian London, ON for more tips.

Tuesday 25 September 2018

Rabbits and Eye Injuries

An eye injury in a rabbit is a common occurrence and should not be cause for alarm. Instead, remain calm and take a look at your rabbit’s eye to determine the severity of the injury. In most cases, a rabbit will simply scratch his eye either because something has gotten caught in the eye (i.e. dust, bedding, etc.) or he has scratched his eye with his own nails while grooming or rubbing at the eye. For small irritations due to debris in the eye or small scratches, your rabbit’s eye will most likely be watery and irritated or even inflamed. Your vet may recommend you flushing the eye out with a recommended eye solution. If you notice any kind of green or yellow discharge coming from the eye then there’s more than a simply scratch going on. This could be sign of a possible infection and requires immediate care from your London, ON veterinarian

Thursday 20 September 2018

How to Register Your Cat’s Microchip ID

It’s important to register your cat’s microchip ID in order for it to be an effective way to protect your cat from getting lost. If your cat has a microchip, make sure you know the number associated with it and then contact a registry and register the microchip along with your cat’s information and your contact information. Home again is a popular register (although it may charge). Found Animals and Free Pet Microchip Registry are also popular. Ask your vet to scan your cat and tell you the ID number. Call or log on to the website of one of the agencies mentioned, follow the directions and complete the online registration form. You will receive a confirmation and any further instructions. Now if your cat is lost and scanned for ID, the microchip will lead back to you. If you need assistance with registering, contact your vet London, ON.

Monday 12 March 2018

How your cat can enjoy time with others

Your cat wants to be able to socialize when the mood strikes her, but she typically sticks to interacting with you since she knows you the best. How can you help her learn to enjoy time with others?

Your pet may need the time to get familiar with another individual if she is to spend time with them. Bring potential playmates around often, and let your pet observe them from afar. Make sure that the individuals are aware of your pet’s preferences and make an effort to welcome her into the area they are spending time in. Your pet should be encouraged to approach them in her own time, as forcing her to get a closer look may cause her to retreat for a longer period of time and be even more cautious. For additional information, please contact your local London, ON veterinarian.

Tuesday 27 February 2018

What’s in your Pet’s Food? - Do you have a reason to be afraid?

Definitely. For many holistic veterinarians, the ingredients which are used in commercial dog foods today have contributed to an unprecedented rise in dog allergies, cancer, and even behavioral problems.

Your pet’s nutritional needs are one of the most important tasks you have to undertake as a responsible dog owner. Thus, when you are in the process of choosing which dog food brand you should buy, you should take time to get familiar with individual ingredients, how they are processed and packed. Once you will have a working knowledge of what matters and what does not, you can breathe a little easier.

With so many horror stories linked to undesirable and unwholesome substances or ingredients present in dog food, it is high time for dog owners to take an active stance in ensuring that their pets receive the most nutritious and wholesome dog food that they can get their hands on. Studies have shown that many of the health problems suffered by dogs today are linked to an unhealthy diet. This does not refer to table scraps that some dogs may have access to but to the well-advertised premium and prescription dog foods which are available commercially.

Your veterinarian London, ON is an important source of information when it comes to your pet’s diet and nutritional needs.