Wednesday, 14 October 2020

Your ferret's playtime habits


You have a ferret in your life who needs you to take the time to better understand who she is and how you can help her thrive in your care. This makes you wonder - what should you take into account about her playtime habits in order to make this happen?

Your pet will be looking for ways to better grasp what she can do to enjoy herself and learn more about her surroundings. Offering her ways to spend her time is important, so make sure there is a variety available to her. She will need ways to get some exercise, utilize her natural instincts, and socialize in addition to taking the time to interact with her surroundings in a way she finds enjoyable. Be sure to give her challenging games to play so she can also get the metal stimulation she needs. Your local veterinary clinic Bend, OR can offer additional advice. Visit this website Westside Pet Hospital and set an appointment.

Tuesday, 13 October 2020

Salt and Horses

Did you know that salt licks or salt blocks can help encourage your horse to drink more? If you’re thinking about buying your horse a salt lick or a pasture salt block, consult your vet ahead of time especially when it comes to how much salt your horse can have and how often .Generally, horses require about one to two ounces of salt per day. This may increase to four to six ounces per day if the weather is hot or your horse is being exercised regularly. Horses that do not get enough salt in their diet often start showing abnormal behaviors such as licking or chewing things that might have salt on them. For instance, your horse may chew on a pitch fork handle or start licking at dirt. Lack of salt also causes a decrease in water intake which could increase the risk of impaction colic. Consult with your veterinarian Derby to learn more.

How to Feed Alfalfa Cubes


If you’re interested in feeding alfalfa cubes to your horse, donkey, cattle, livestock, etc., make sure you talk with your vet first. Alfalfa cubes are quantities of alfalfa hay that have been made into a cube form. Most alfalfa cubes are considered long stem forage due to the size of the particles of hay within the cube. If your livestock has never had alfalfa cubes make sure you introduce them slowly into their diet and watch to make sure each animal is able to chew and digest them. For animals such as older horses and older cows, the cubes will need to be soaked ahead of time for easy digestion. If you are using these cubes as a replacement for hay make sure you replace every one pound of hay with one pound of cubes. If your livestock has any history of choke, do not serve the alfalfa cubes dry. Click for more details from your vets Wichita, KS.

Monday, 12 October 2020

Can Calicos be Male

A calico cat is a cat with spotted or tri-colored coat patterns with patches of orange tabby and black. Calico is not a breed. A cat with the calico coat pattern can be male or female. However, the gene that determines the orange color in cats is on the X chromosome making calicos almost always female. Male and female calicos can be orange, but it’s typically the male that is seen in the tabby pattern. In this case the male is often referred to as a ginger tom. Although it may be rare, it is not impossible for males to be calico and for females to be orange tabby cats. Give your vet a call if you’re not sure what color pattern your cat is. Your vet should be able to help you identify and name the pattern. Talk with your veterinarians Webster, NY to learn more about the calico pattern cat.

How to Wean Kittens

Are you raising kittens? If so and you’re not sure on when to wean the kittens, please check with your vet. Generally, weaning is the process of transitioning your kitten from mama cat’s milk or bottle fed milk to solid food. Most vets agree that you can begin the weaning process when your kitten is around four weeks old. Your kitten will most likely let you know she’s ready when she starts exploring her mama cat’s food and tries to nibble on it every now and then. If possible, allow the mama cat to start and finish the weaning process. If you are weaning an orphan kitten then you may be able to start weaning her around the third or fourth week of age. If you are the mama cat then the process will be entirely up to you. Click here for more information on weaning and caring for kittens or call your vets Rochester, NY.

Cat Fleas

veterinarian Goodyear AZ

Cats get their share of fleas at any time in their lives. Fleas are very common feline parasites that cause intense itching and skin irritations in hypersensitive cats. Fleas feed on the blood of their hosts. Heavy infestations in kittens and cats with compromised immune system function can cause severe anemia that can be life-threatening. Persistent scratching can eventually lead to breaks in the skin where bacteria can set up an infection. A cat’s body may also be covered with crusts and sores. There may also be hair loss. Tapeworms are also a concern associated with flea infestations as these pesky parasites are known to transmit these intestinal parasites.

Fleas can easily multiply. A female flea can lay eggs anywhere in your home. When the conditions are right the eggs will hatch and develop and eventually look for hosts to feed upon. This vicious cycle will continue unless measures are taken to eliminate fleas and their eggs in your home.

Consult your veterinarian Goodyear, AZ about the best way to protect your pet against fleas and other parasites.

Sunday, 11 October 2020

Does Your Dog Stink?


Dogs have a distinct smell especially those that are outdoors most of the time. But there are instances that your furbaby's smell is disturbing enough and cause you to think that it might be caused by a serious health problem that needs veterinary attention.

One reason could be a skin allergy or infection. When your dog has this condition, it can be very uncomfortable and would cause frequent scratching. The scratches from the allergy can disrupt the integrity of the skin and creating an environment that can cause a yeast infection. Bacteria will multiply within the area and may cause further problems.

Conjunctivitis or excessive tearing can also be a reason. There may be eye discharges that can range from clear to yellowish-green in color. The moist area around your dog's eyes allows bacteria to thrive which results in foul odor.

If your dog experiences either of the two reasons, get your dog checked by your veterinarian Middletown, DE to prevent further complications.

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