Are you one of many dogs owners who are having difficulty getting rid of the tear stains in their pets? The tear stain in dogs can be brought about by the development of red yeast as well as bacteria. This is what gives the tear stain found around the eyes those noticeably red-brown stains that usually come with a musty smell. In order to get rid of the tear stains effectively, you must be able to find out the root cause of the problem. Excess tearing can happen when the extra layer of lashes near the eyes of the dog is creating constant irritation. The tear ducts just beside the eyes can get infected as well, and this can be another root cause of tear stains. It is important for you to wash your dog's face on a regular basis to get rid of those stains. If possible, do this a few times weekly. You can also have your pet checked by a vet Lewisville, TX for proper attention and intervention.