Thursday, 1 April 2021

Benefits of Fluoride


Fluoride is a small but potent weapon in the fight against tooth decay. But what exactly is fluoride, and how does it work?

Fluoride is a mineral, which is naturally present in many foods, such as potatoes, shellfish, and coffee, to name a few. You could actually consider it to be nature's cavity fighter. When it comes into contact with your teeth, it makes the enamel of your tooth stronger, and thus less vulnerable to damage. This in turn helps prevent tooth decay.

It's important for both kids and adults to have fluoride. You may be interested to learn that fluoride starts working in young children even before their teeth come through the gums. Of course, at this stage, it's absorbed through food.

One good thing about fluoride? When you absorb it through food, it breaks down in your body and becomes present in your saliva. This is very beneficial in helping ward off tooth decay.

Want a prettier smile? Contact your Miami Beach, FL dentistry center to learn more. Set an appointment with Dr. Daniel A Del Castillo DMD.

Wednesday, 31 March 2021

Handling Your Pet Gerbil

Gerbil is one of the favorite pet choices, especially for kids and first-time pet owners. They are cute, entertaining, and very social. However, gerbils are also quick to feel frightened, often resulting in nipping their handlers. That is why pet owners should teach little children how to hold a gerbil properly to prevent injuries. As they are fragile pets, holding them should be with great care. Most gerbils tolerate handling if they have human interaction starting at a young age. But, if they have a negative experience while being held, they tend to feel cautious towards humans. Never hold a gerbil by its tail as its tails are sensitive and can break off easily. Pet owners should also place gerbils away from other house pets, such as dogs and cats that may see gerbils as prey. Just like other house pets, gerbils need regular wellness visits to a veterinary clinic McHenry IL.

Housing a Pet Ferret with Other Animals

 Ferret Care Guide | Long Island Avian and Exotic Veterinary Clinic

Ferrets make wonderful pets. They are playful, affectionate, and trainable. Though ferrets are friendly and can quickly bond with their owners, they are different when it comes to other animals. A ferret can stay in an enclosure with other ferrets. But because ferrets are carnivores, it is best to avoid having other small animals in the house, particularly pet birds, guinea pigs, or rabbits. In the wild, ferrets hunt small animals for food and eat their prey whole. Ferrets nowadays are already domesticated pets, but they still maintain their predatory instincts. If small animals are in the household, always keep close supervision to avoid contact between the ferret and the other animals. Ferrets can get along with big dogs and cats provided socialization was present at an early age. Pet owners should also closely keep an eye on children as ferrets tend to bite if not handled properly.

Your pet will benefit from regular health and wellness checks at your vet Columbia MD.

Tuesday, 30 March 2021

Why Some Neutered Cats Continue To Spray Mark

 Cat Spraying — Why Does It Happen and What Can You Do? - Catster

Specific changes in a neutered pet cat’s surrounding environment may cause the spraying behavior to happen. Changes like a move to a home that is new, getting new pets, and possibly other modifications to the everyday routine can induce stress to your pet cat, and spraying is the usual reaction to situations like these.

One other reason why your cat that is already neutered would spray is marking territory.  This happens in homes with multiple cats where an unspayed female cat or a male unneutered cat also lives.  Having other cats around the home even outside can also make neutered cats spray.

Spray behavior can also be triggered by problems with the litter box.  If your cat is unhappy regarding the may the kitty litter box is maintained and cleaned, or perhaps the kind of litter used, litter box location, among others, then he may also engage in some spraying.

If you have concerns about your pet’s behavior, contact your animal hospital Coral Springs, FL. Check out their website to know more about their services.

Seizures In Dogs: What To Do And Not To Do

 Different Types of Seizures in Dogs | Memphis Vets | Animal Emergency Center

Dog owners must know the do’s and don’ts should their pet dog have a seizure.  A seizing dog could be something scary to see.  Below are useful items to keep in mind when you see a dog seizing:

Keep calm.  If you start panicking, you will not think rationally and clearly.  Even if you see your pet looking like he is suffering, your dog is actually unconscious, meaning he does not know that he himself is seizing and is not in pain.

●Avoid getting near the seizing dog.  Do not believe in tall tales of pet dogs that swallow their own tongues when seizing.  Do not put any object, most especially your hand inside the dog’s mouth.

●Keep kids and other pets away from the seizing pet.  Kids and other pets might get nervous or scared of what is happening and there is no way to know what their reaction will be.  There are cases where the seizing dog gets attacked by the other pets.

●Time the seizure on how long it lasts.  This is important information that your vet will need when you get your pet over to the animal clinic.

●Be vigilant.  If your reflexes are good, you may be able to record a video of the seizing pet so that the vet can view it.

●Protect the seizing animal by gently pulling him by his rear legs to move him away from sharp objects and/or stairways, among others.

Call your animal hospital Roanoke, VA is your dog has had a seizure so the staff can instruct you on what to do.

Add Fun To Your Pet’s Grooming Sessions

 Tips for Getting Your Dog Comfortable with a Dog Dryer | PetMD

Every grooming session should be a fun activity for both pets and owners. But it can be stressful if the dog does not want to be groomed. Thus, your pet must get used to getting groomed when it is still young.  As it grows older, it will get used to the grooming session.

As you prepare your dog for grooming, you can do the following:

       Release your pet’s excess energy by letting it run or walk. It will be calmer after a walk, so it will not object to being groomed

       Teach your pet to go potty before the session begins

       Don’t reinforce your pet’s anxiousness in being groomed. If you appease or pamper it, the anxiety will only be heightened

       Ask recommendations from other pet owners regarding their groomer. They might point you to someone who understands your pet’s needs


For more questions regarding your pet’s grooming needs, ask your vet Washington DC.

Some Cats Do Like Traveling

  Cats May Recognize Their Own Names—but It Doesn't Mean They Care | Smart  News | Smithsonian Magazine

Some cats can like traveling more than others.  Then there are some pets that just become stressed when visiting the groomer or the vet.  Getting your pet to get accustomed to being inside a moving car must begin while the cat is a young kitten.  Make sure to keep your pet kitten inside a crate so that she is safe.  Socialize your pet properly as well because it is an aspect that can help her get accustomed to traveling.  Socialization helps your pet to acclimate to different situations that you may encounter when on the road.  There are cats commonly known that are okay with traveling, like the Japanese bobtail, Chartreux, and Chantilly.  Before making the journey with your cat, schedule a visit with your veterinary clinic Washington DC for a thorough health checkup to make sure that your pet stays healthy during your trip.