Thursday, 8 April 2021

My Burmese Swallowed a Penny

Contact your vet right away if you think your Burmese or other feline breed has swallowed a penny or other change. Swallowing a penny is not only a choking hazard, but it can also be toxic and potentially fatal. Prior to 1982 the penny was made completely of copper, which is not extremely harmful if swallowed. However, after 1982 the government called for the penny to be made of zinc, which is cheaper. Only the outer coating of the penny is copper. Once swallowed the copper quickly washes away exposing your Burmese to zinc, which is toxic to most felines. Toxic poisoning through zinc may induce symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea, blood in urine, yellow mucous, liver and kidney failure and anemia. If your Burmese swallows a penny call your vet immediately. X-rays may be taken to identify the zinc and remove it as quickly as possible. Learn more here or call your animal hospital Tampa FL.

Find Out If You Are Ready To Care For A Pet Bird


veterinary clinic Crown Point IN

Birds are known to be social and smart creatures. These traits make them good house companions. If you are thinking of getting one, here are some factors to consider:

Birds sometimes live up to 60 years. If you get a pet bird, you should be committed and willing to take care of it for many years.

       The basic needs of a bird are a balanced diet, a safe environment, regular vet visits, and regular stimulation.

       Birds also suffer from health conditions so they need to see the vet regularly

       Birds need regular mental activities so keep them occupied. They are intelligent creatures to they need to exercise their minds

       Birds will start to exhibit unwanted behaviors when they are continuously bored. These bad behaviors should be stopped immediately since they might be difficult to get rid of later on

Make an appointment with your veterinary clinic Crown Point, IN if you have any concerns about your pet’s health and/or behavior.

Loud Canines – The Beagle

 Planning to Get a Beagle? Here are 6 Things You Should Know - Animalso

Are you familiar with the Beagle breed of canine? These are fun hound dogs that are knownfor their ability to hunt and their loud and sometimes obnoxious barking skills. The Beagle is full hound and originated centuries ago as a hunting dog bred specifically for chasing small game such as rabbits and fox. Not only is he highly skilled at sniffing out just about any scent, but he’s also known for his incredibly loud and versatile barking. In fact, the Beagle received his name from the French word “begueule” which means “open throat.” This describes the Beagle’s vocal chords, which vibrate when air passes over. The unique vocal chords in a Beagle enable him to create three very loud and distinct barks. The Beagle is actually considered one of the loudest barking breeds and is definitely not recommended for apartment living or small homes. Consult with your veterinarian Shreveport LA for more details on this breed.

Wednesday, 7 April 2021

Take Advantage Of Your Dog’s Denning Instincts

Crate training will become easier if you take advantage of your dog’s denning nature.  A crate that is adequately sized can function as your pet’s den where he will feel secure and rest comfortably.  Crate training your dog is likely an early training regimen your puppy will go through as it is an essential tool when young dogs are being housetrained.  A dog will keep his crate/den clean on instinct, therefore, he will try his very best to not do his business when inside that den.  Just ensure that his crate is big enough for the animal to be able to lay down, but not too large to allow him to dedicate a corner as the potty area.  If your puppy is successful in crate training, then he will have better chances of completing housetraining.  This can also be an ideal way of keeping your dog from getting into trouble in case you are away or are busy and there is no one else available to watch him.

Schedule an appointment to see your pet clinic Portland OR to get more information about your pet’s needs.

When Kittens Eight To Twelve Weeks Old Explore Their Environment


As soon as a new kitten becomes weaned off the mother and her littermates, she is then at the right time to form the emotional link together with her new owner.  Her new owner must be prepared to bear the responsibility of being the kitten’s mother, that is, providing emotional security, a comfortable living area, water, and food.

When the kitten is moved to a new family, she must be allowed to go about and explore her new surroundings and acclimate to the new scents, sights, and sounds.  It is experiences like these that will become vital to the mental and physical growth of your new pet.  But be sure that you are there to supervise these exploratory ventures.

If your young kitten is not allowed to go exploring, she will eventually grow up into adulthood with a fear of things unfamiliar to her when she encounters them later on.  She will be nervous when brought to a new environment and might also become unfriendly to strange humans or other animals.

Check with your veterinarian Gresham, OR regarding ways of meeting your pet’s necessities.  Check this website to know more about these needs.

Is Vaping Dangerous To Pets


pet clinic Cy-Fair

Most people now use vaping devices as a replacement for smoking cigars or cigarettes.  But can vaping be really harmful to animal companions?  A vaping device cartridge could have substances like THC oil, nicotine, or possibly a combination of these two.  Cartridge contents come in different flavorings and might have chemicals and additives that together might combine to make substances that are hazardous to pets.  One other vital concern with vape devices is the probability that a pet might swallow a cartridge.  The THC and nicotine in the cartridges are hazardous to animals.  Be aware that even if only a small amount of nicotine is ingested by your pet, it can have catastrophic results.  The smaller the pet, the more vulnerable it will be to the toxicity because the magnitude of the illness is usually dependent on the dose.  And because nicotine is liquid, the body will rapidly absorb this in concentrations higher than that in cigarettes. 

Should your pet ingest or have access to a vape device or perhaps show symptoms of toxicity, take your pet over to the closest pet clinic Cy-Fair as soon as possible.

Tuesday, 6 April 2021

Anxiety In Pets


vet East Dallas TX

There are pet dogs that might be prone to unease, nervousness, and anxiety, therefore, is an issue for their keepers.  Negative feelings like these might fuel destructive and/or undesirable habits like making excessive noise, chewing, and inappropriate elimination.

Several important symptoms of canine anxiety are self-mutilation, digestive upsets, sleeplessness, destructive habits, pacing, aggressive behavior, and/or restlessness.

But not every dog that has anxiety will require medication.  Your vet will perform a thorough checkup and might ask you, the owner, some important questions about the animal’s habits.  Generally, medications are a last resort when it comes to treating canine anxiety.  Most vets will opt to use non-medical treatments before having to prescribe medication.  The vet might also refer you to a behaviorist expert who may work with you in trying behavior modification and specialized training.  Also available are holistic or natural treatment methods for your pet’s anxiety.

If your pet is prone to anxiety attacks, work closely with the vet East Dallas, TX to addressing the problem.