Friday, 9 April 2021

How To Use The Litter Box Liner


Using a liner in your cat’s litter box will help in cleaning up faster. The idea is that you will lift the liner to remove the used litter. Then you will just throw both the used litter and the liner. This method is easy and helps preserve the life of the box. In real life, using the liner will not always go well. Sometimes, the cat’s claws are sharp and it can cut through the plastic liner. If the liner is torn, cleaning up becomes messier. Besides, your cat might not like the feel of plastic, so she will go potty somewhere else. When you want to try using a litter box, make sure that you are using the right size. The right measurement will ensure that the liner fits right in the box. The right cut also prevents folds from accumulating in the box and trapping smelly waste particles. Finally, putting the liner correctly means that your cat’s nails won’t reach it.

A sudden change in your pet’s elimination habits should prompt a visit to your veterinary clinic Webster, NY.

How to Care for Basset Puppies and Their Mom

Did you know that weaning is the process of gradually reducing a Basset Hound puppy’s dependence or access to his mother’s milk and her care? In the weaning process a lot of focus will be placed on the puppies, but make sure you pay close attention to the mom as well. For example, talk with your vet about setting up a weaning schedule for the pups. Sticking to a schedule can help prevent the mother Basset from overproducing milk, which can cause painful or enlarged mammary glands. You want to make sure the puppies receive an adequate source of milk during the process while at the same time slowly weaning them. Remember weaning the puppies off of their mother’s milk also helps the mother to slowly dry up and stop milk production. Consult with your veterinarians Tampa, FL about the mother’s diet since a decrease in milk production usually calls for a decrease in food amount.

Cats and Dogs at Hotels


animal hospital Wichita KS

Do you travel with your cat or dog? It’s becoming pretty popular to travel with dogs and cats and stay overnight in hotels. Dogs often travel more often but cats have been known to travel and stay in hotels with their owners as well. What hotels allow pets? You can find out by calling your favorite hotel ahead of your planned visit. You can also look online at websites that are devoted to the listing dog and cat-friendly hotels. If you’re traveling with your cat or dog it may be a good idea to map out your hotel stays ahead of time so there are no surprises along the way. Your pup or feline may need to be in a carrier or on a leash at check-in. For cats in carriers, make sure you ask to make sure the cat is allowed to come out of the carrier once in the room. Always ask your animal hospital Wichita, KS for copies of pet medical records for traveling.

Siamese Cats and Bad Breath


vet clinic Cornelius NC

If your cat has bad breath then it could be related to a health condition and should be checked out by your vet. In fact, bad breath is a health condition referred to as halitosis. You should give your vet a call and schedule a routine wellness exam. In many cases, your Siamese cat’s bad breath could be caused by a build-up of bacteria in the mouth. The bacteria can be the result of plaque and tartar build-up or it could be due to dental or gum disease. In less frequent instances, bad breath could signal a more serious issue going on in the mouth, respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, liver or even the kidneys. Symptoms may include extensive brown tartar, drooling, lack of appetite, yellow corneas or gums, and pawing at the mouth. In any case, call your vet clinic Cornelius, NC to set up a dental exam. 

Does your Black Labrador Smell?

 Black Labrador Drawings | Fine Art America

Does your Black Labrador or other breed of canine smell? Chances are, he’s come across something or multiple things outdoors. Labs love to run and play outdoors and especially enjoy a good roll in any smell that catches their attention. If this sounds like your canine then you should probably have a good dog shampoo or de-skunking solution ready at all times. Some canine owners have tried bathing their pups in tomato juice or spraying them with a citrus scent to cover up smells, but those may not always work. Ask your vet about using a mix of 1 quart of 3% hydrogen peroxide, 1/4 cup of baking soda, and 1 teaspoon of vet approved liquid soap. Soak your dog in this lather for 3 to 5 minutes and this rinse him off. He should smell as good as new!Learn more from your vets Shreveport, LA. Read more here.

Thursday, 8 April 2021

How To Help Your Dog After A Fight


Dogs, even when domesticated, still feel territorial. Thus, they will get into fights if they encounter a potential threat in their territory. Even if you and your dog are out in the park, your pooch might still get territorial over the unfamiliar location. He will also feel threatened and snarl when another dog approaches. When your dog gets in a fight with another dog, the first thing you should remember is to be calm. Then, find a way to separate the two dogs without you getting hurt or bitten. Don’t use your bare arms or hands to extract your dog. If you are using a leash, use this instead. Pull your dog away from the fight. Once the dogs are separated, you can assess whether your dog sustained any injuries. If there are bite marks or any deep injuries, bring your dog to the veterinary clinic Ashburn, VA immediately.

How To Keep Your Dog Safe During Summer


Summer is a hot season. So keep in mind that high temperature is not safe for dogs.

During the summer season, keep your dog well-groomed so he doesn't have too much fur. You should also keep your doggie hydrated by filing the water bowl often, and make sure that the bowl is away from the sun’s rays. Keep your dog cool further by giving your dog a cooling bed or pad. Finally, stay on shaded areas when taking your dog for a walk. You can also consider getting a cooling vest, a bandanna, or collar that your dog can use on your excursion. Don't forget to bring water and a portable water bowl, too.

You can put sunscreen on your dog when you go out. Prevent sunburn by putting a small amount of dog-approved sunblock on the nose, ears, and other exposed areas. Stay away from hot pavement either because these can burn a dog’s paw. Meanwhile, your dog will need a life jacket if you will go to the lake or any body of water. Always remember that is never safe to leave your dog in a parked car even for just a minute. The temperature inside the car can reach up to 160 degrees making it dangerous.

If you have any concerns about your pet’s health and/or behavior, don’t hesitate to call your veterinary hospital Leesburg, VA. Click here to know more.