Tuesday, 25 May 2021

Maintaining Ideal Heat And Humidity Inside Enclosures Of Ball Pythons


vets Bourne, MA

Keeping a heating pad specially designed for pet reptiles under your python’s tank may work well, but it could make it challenging for temperature monitoring.  Incandescent heat lamps or ceramic heat elements can be utilized to create basking spots with specific temperatures.

Do not provide a hot rock for your pet snake and ensure that the heating element or heat bulb has a screen to stop the animal from making contact or else it can burn your pet.  Try using multiple thermometers to monitor different temperature spots inside the tank, to the cage bottom, and the basking section. 

Make sure to prove a large enough a dish so that your snake can soak itself because it is essential when the reptile sheds.  There are snake keepers to like providing their pets with a deeper soaking that has a cover, like plastic storage containers, with holes poked on the cover so that the snake can be secure while soaking for longer periods.

One other option is to offer your pet a humidity refuge or retreat.  This is something similar to the covered soaking dish where you use covered containers that have openings lined with moist paper towels or sphagnum moss to provide moisture.  Be sure to still provide a water bowl outside the refuge.

Your vets Bourne, MA is a valuable resource when it comes to your pet’s health and needs.

Ways To Protect A Hedgehog From Mites


animal hospital McHenry IL

Infestation from mites is one of the concerns of many pet owners. After all, the hedgehog will be uncomfortable and irritated most of the time.

Fortunately, you can protect your pet against infestation:

       Always wash your hands after handling any hedgehog. If you touched a hedgehog in a public place, it is very important to wash your hands after.

       If there will be an additional hedgehog in your household, you should put the new one in quarantine for a week. Doing so will prevent infestations, if ever.

       Remember to wash your hands before and after handling the new hedgehog. You’ll want your hands to be clean before handling the older hedgehogs.

       Freeze the bedding and most food as soon as you buy it. These materials might carry mites. Freezing for 24 hours will ensure that you stop the mites from infecting your pet.

       Bathe your hedgehog with warm water and olive oil once a month. Bathing is an effective way to eliminate mites. This solution can keep the skin soft and supple.

Consult your animal hospital McHenry, IL for the best product to protect your mites from mites and other parasites.

Owning Multiple Gerbils Like the Burmese

Gerbils are usually social creatures. Many gerbils not only enjoy the company of other gerbils, but they also enjoy interaction with people. Some experts have suggested that if you, as the owner, cannot spend much time with the gerbil then you should consider buying a pair. Having a pair of Burmese gerbils will be a great benefit for the animals. Not only will they keep each other company, but they will also play together, groom each other, and snuggle up and sleep together. They also comfort one another especially if one gets scared or becomes anxious. If you are going to adopt a pair it is recommended that you adopt two males or two females. You can adopt a male and female, but make sure you can handle the babies to follow. Click here to learn more from your vet Louisville, KY.

More Reasons Why Cats Meow


veterinary clinic Oshawa, ON

Take time to listen to your cat. You will discover the different reasons why she meows.

One of the reasons they meow is to talk with their humans. Siamese cats are social animals. They like to greet their owners or ask for playtime.

Stress and anxiety could be another reason for meowing. When you hear your cat meow continuously, she could be in distress. She might not want to go to the vet or she was injured. It’s also possible that the cat is when you brought a stranger ( a guest, really) at home.

Furthermore, the cat could be feeling lonely. Meowing is her way of telling everyone of her loneliness. Cats who are often left alone can easily feel lonely. Sometimes, they miss someone at home. Meowing is their way of calling to that missing someone.

Always take time to play with your cat. Sometimes, a little cuddle time and attention are what your cats need.

If you have concerns about your pet’s behavior, contact your veterinary clinic Oshawa, ON.

What Items Can Make Good Scratching Pads Or Posts?


Ensure that you offer your cat the appropriate scratchable items so that she has surfaces where she can engage in her normal scratching habit.  Most cats will like scratching vertically, so acquire a scratch post that measures taller than the cat’s body length.  Doing so will allow your pet to stretch fully, giving her a better scratch.  Should your pet be scratching your home’s carpeting, try offering her a scratching pad instead, as this may be the orientation she prefers.  The scratcher item’s texture is also essential.  Many cats like sisal rope, while others like carpeting or corrugated cardboard on the scratcher item.  Try experimenting with various types and textures of scratching items to find out which one your cat likes.  Note that your pet will learn best by using positive reinforcement.  When you redirect your pet to utilize her new scratcher item, ensure that you offer your pet immediately with a reward, ideally within three seconds.  This is to reinforce the desired behavior. 

Your vet Carmel Valley is a valuable resource when it comes to your pet’s health and needs.

Monday, 24 May 2021

Some Reasons Why Cats Meow So Much

There are many reasons why cats meow so much. Here are two of them

The presence of other cats

●Your pet cat might start meowing quite loudly should she spy on another cat passing by outside.  An indoor cat most especially will be on the lookout as various other cats roam around the nearby areas and wander into her territory.  These cats may just be curious, while there are ones that are territorial and may meow more coupled with a growl or a hiss.  Cats like the latter can stress out your poor indoor cat.  There may also be cases where cats will stare down each other and produce low meowing vocalizations and growls as they encounter one another on any unclaimed territory.


If your pet is intact, she is going to be quite vocal as she goes into heat.  The recommendation is to always have your pet neutered or spayed to avoid undesirable behaviors and also control pet overpopulation.  Thousands of adoptable pets get euthanized yearly because they are unable to find homes to be in.  If you want some specific breed, then try looking for specific breed rescues.  Adopt instead, and avoid shopping for pets.

 If you have concerns about your pet’s behavior, contact your pet clinic San Diego CA.

Tips To Help Minimize Shedding In Dogs


There are some dog breeds that shed very little or none at all. Also, some breeds may end up completely covering your house in their fur. This might be annoying and bothersome, most especially if the dog happens to shed all year round.

Completely stopping a dog from shedding is not possible, therefore, it is recommended that you employ some helpful habits that help cut down the shedding problem to a more manageable level.

Grooming Regularly

Brushing your pet dog's fur regularly is the prime method of shedding control. With brushing, you get to remove all your pet’s dead fur which normally falls off onto your furniture. How often you brush your pet will depend on how much your pet sheds. It may be once per week or perhaps even daily. The more times you brush your pet, the less shed fur you’ll notice around your home. The recommendation is to lay down an old blanket or a tarp before bruising your dog so that the cleanup will be easier.

Diet Monitoring

Just as humans need a healthy diet, so does your pet dog. Ensure that you purchase high-quality dog food made using healthy ingredients. Try to avoid food items that have soy and corn fillers. Diets that have high levels of healthy fats and proteins will aid in improving your pet dog's coat and reduce shedding.

Any skin and/or hair coat issue exhibited by your pet should warrant an appointment with your veterinary clinic Raleigh, NC. Learn more here.