Tuesday 8 May 2018

Reasons Why a Sugar Glider Is a Challenging Pet

Sugar gliders are cute pets. They can also be very loyal pets. But that doesn’t mean they are easy pets!

One of the biggest problems with sugar gliders is the cage they require. They will be unhappy in any cage that is less than three feet tall. The bottom of the cage should be at least two feet wide by two feet long. However, these animals are much happier in a much larger cage!

The kind of food they eat can make it difficult to own one. They need stuff like meal-worms, fruit, and vegetables, not food that can be purchased in a bag from the pet store.

These critters are very social, which means they’ll take up a lot of your time! If you still think a sugar glider is a good choice for your family, click here, or plan a visit with your veterinary clinic Happy Valley, OR.

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