Thursday 17 May 2018

Tips To Correct Potty Accidents In Pet Rabbits

Pet rabbits can be potty-trained but they can also commit potty accidents every now and then. Pet owners should always bear in mind that punishment has no place in pet training and will never help them attain desired results. Being a behavioral problem, owners need to be patient when dealing with the issue to eventually achieve favorable results.
Correcting potty problems in rabbits is similar to that in dogs. In order to address the issue, you have to catch your pet in the act. Pick him up gently and take him to the litter box immediately if you see him eliminating. However, if you had just come across the evidence, the best thing to do is to clean it up thoroughly so there will be no stains and residual scents.
When litter training pet rabbits, make frequent trips to the litter box every 10 minutes or so.
Bring your pet rabbit to your veterinarians Norwalk, CA for regular wellness checks. For more details visit Ashton Animal Hospital.

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