Wednesday 2 May 2018

Why A Puppy Won’t Make An Ideal Gift

Kids often beg their parents for a new puppy as a gift but many experts think that giving in to your kid’s wishes is not a good idea. Here are important reasons why you should consider your decision very carefully:
l  Many kids are not ready to care for a pet. Your child should realize that responsibility and commitment that are required when you caring for a pet. It is a good idea to explain to your child what is expected of him as the dog’s owner and whether he is ready to commit. In many cases, children are unaware of the responsibility and more often than not the parents usually end up caring for the puppy when the novelty of a new pet wears off and their kid becomes interested in other things.
l  If it’s somebody else’s child who is asking for a puppy, it is recommended to talk to the child’s parents and seek their permission.
Your vet Lafayette, LA is an important source of information when it comes to understanding important pet issues.

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