Monday 18 November 2019

Does My Dog Need A Sweater?

vet clinic Carrollton, GA

The answer to this question is it depends. Not all dogs need to wear sweaters. Canine breeds with long thick hair coats can do well without sweaters even during winter. But the so-called hairless breeds and breeds with very short or single-layered coats, such as miniature pinschers, chihuahuas, or greyhounds among others tend to be more vulnerable to colder conditions. This is also true among senior dogs or those with shaved or bald spots, and those with hair coat issues. When exposed to cold temperature, these dogs can suffer from hypothermia, which can fatal. These dogs will benefit from extra insulation to keep them warm. Some dogs may even need to wear winter boots.

Here are some tips to remember when selecting a sweater for your dog:

l  Choose a style and fit that will stay in place without restricting the dogs movement. It should not fall forward or hang low. It must be snug but not tight. An ideal fit is when you are able to easily slip your hand under the dogs sweater.

l  Steer clear of designs with metal pieces that your dog can chew off and possibly choke on. Your dog can become entangled on loose threads.

l  Let your pet get familiar with the smell and texture of the sweater before putting it on him.

l  When putting on the sweater, always do it gently and be quick to reward cooperative behavior.

l  If your dog resists, dont force the sweater on. Instead, let him rest and calm down before trying again later.

l  Your pet will benefit from regular wellness checks and dental visits at a vet clinic Carrollton, GA.

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