Thursday 20 January 2022

Dealing With Separation Anxiety In Dogs

One that can undoubtedly pique your dog's interest at any moment is a treat dispenser, which you can manage remotely via a mobile app. The app makes it possible to release a pre-loaded goodie. Call your dog's name and entice it to approach the dispenser, then watch your pet enjoy the goodie while taking a shareable wide-angle shot.

Turn on the TV audio. 
Dogs find human voices comforting. Before you leave the house, turn on the TV or radio. Consider tuning in to channels, such as talk broadcasts or classical music channels with no annoying advertisements or loud sounds that would shock your dog. If you plan to arrive home late in the evening, turn on a light or turn on the TV.

Visit a pet daycare.
If your dog enjoys the company of other dogs, leaving it in daycare could be an option. Visit and check how a facility treats the dogs and see if the facility looks and smells clean. Your dog needs to have room to rest, play, and access water and supervision while socializing with other dogs. The major disadvantage is the fee.

A sudden change in your pet’s behavior should warrant a call to your animal clinic Marietta, GA. Click here to set an appointment. 

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