Sunday 9 January 2022

Should You Worry If Your Cat Has Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP)?

When your pet cat contracts feline infectious peritonitis, otherwise known as FIP, she will experience an inflamed and painful abdomen. For FIP, there are two types – dry and wet. With the wet form of FIP, the abdomen will be overfilled with fluid. 

Your feline’s immune response greatly affects what type of FIP she’ll incur. Felines who suffer from FIP will experience inflamed major body organs that include the lungs, liver, and others which will eventually compromise the entire body system functions. Getting a diagnosis of FIP frequently means that it’s extremely serious and well-advanced already as observed in the majority of cases. 

When your pet CAT manifests these severe signs, this, unfortunately, means that the disease has progressed irrevocably. Treatment is ineffective at this stage. Diagnosing the early stages of FIP is impossible since there are no specific tools that can correctly pinpoint this disease.  If you want to vaccinate your pet feline against FIP, seek the advice of your animal hospital Webster NY to weigh the advantages and disadvantages.

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