Friday 28 January 2022

Eye Care Tips

You do know that your eyes need TLC, right? They are one of the most sensitive parts of your body. They are also exposed to many harmful factors because you use them every time. Aside from eating food rich in vitamin A, what else can you do to keep your eyes healthy? Here are some tips you can consider:

      Use eyewear whenever necessary. Like when you’re on a construction site, playing a physical sport, or using a dangerous tool or equipment. Doing this step can save you from having an eye injury.

      Smoking is bad for your eye health as it damages your optic nerves. It can also cause cataracts or macular degeneration, which come with age.

      Understand if your family has a history of having eye diseases. Doing so can help you learn if you’re actually at risk due to genetic predisposition.

      Recognize the other factors that may harm your eye health. It pays to regularly visit your ophthalmologist.

      Use contact lenses and eyeglasses properly. Follow the guidelines to handle or manage both.

      Ensure that your eyes get enough rest. Observe the 20-20-20 rule so you can prevent eye strain.

A regular eye examination at an optometry clinic Los Angeles, CA is a proactive way of taking care of your sense of sight. Set an appointment here:

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